Part3 //A mess//

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Y/n pov
Yeah that girl is really discusting but wait... that girl name she is walking there only let me call her
Y/n: hey girl....
???: yes mam
Y/n: your name ??
??: irene
Y/n: count your days bitch
Irene: sorry mam ....
I wanna show my status to her...
Y/n: don't stand infront my eyes get loss
Irene pov:
Uhh... what a arrogant lady I shouldn't have meet her ..... god I don't want to see her again cause my heart already warns me .... How DANGEROUS she is ..
and also i am not even at her status..

Tae: hey y/n where were you ....
Y/n: just seeing everything here ..
Tae: ok ...
Y/n: i saw a bitch
Tae: did you see any mirror y/n ...
Y/n didn't realize what he is saying but it strikes her...
Y/n: aish... man stop your silly things just listen
Tae: tell tell ..

Jimin: and by the way i am going taehyungaaa..
tae: ok man and who is she (asked pointing out the girl near him it's her...)
Jimin: irene my sister don't you remember her you always take her in your cycle for outing ...
Y/n: omo brother did you do that
Tae: yeah at that age we are innocent
Y/n: and don't chose any bitches like her i'll chose you the best one ok wait till that
Jm: y/n be kind to others ok then you'll recive the same ...
Y/n: i am ... but not to her ...
Tae: hey hey leave it y/n behave
Y/n: mm
Tae: why your parents are want you to marry so soon
Jm: yeah our industry is going in a loss.... As more than we could bare ...
If i get marry then my company could able to grow as it been before so i agree how ever the girl is I don't care... i need profit ...,
Tae: don't tell like that .... Man.... If you're free come to my home ... tomorrow
Jm: ok I'll try
(While keeping on pulling taehyung cause you feel sleepy)
Y/n: taehyung come we can go.... (Yawn 🥱)
Jimin chuckled (your eyes widened y/n: you know smile too)
Irene laughed
Jimin welcomes his poker face again
Tae: ahh... coming coming bye jimina.. I'll talk you later
Jm: mm ok
Y/n: bye irene ...
Irene got shocked
But also she managed to tell b-bye
Jm: what the girl childish *signs*
Irene: yah... i had been sacred to death today and bro she is not childish she is an mini devil
Jm: *a playful smirk)


You got ready and see your self in mirror
Y/n: woah is that me ...

You weared

I came down to see my brother Y/n: yah!! Taehyungaaa

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I came down to see my brother
Y/n: yah!! Taehyungaaa...
His eyes widened
Y/n: wae!!
Tae: you looking gorgeous
Y/n: i know
Tae : aish ..... 🤦🏻‍♀️i tell about dress
(His face)

Tae: i know what will be good wear some dresses like this

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Tae: i know what will be good wear some dresses like this ... or in our there will two mens ...
Y/n : eh... i am going to meet my future husband
Tae: go don't come back
Y/n: ok i will run with him
Tae: never mind ...

Y/n pov:
Table no 12 where is it it is already he is waiting for me uff...
"Hey i am sorry for late"
I said and sat but I didn't see his face he spoked up "y/n"
Wae he knew my name
I saw him he is "PARK JIMIN A ICE"
Jm: "Wae... what are you saying"
Y/n: um.. ntg and....
Jm: ok i need to tell you something (his cold voice makes you sweating in a/c)
Y/n: carry on...
Jm: see i my parents and your family member's wanted us to get married and they told that your parents and my parents had made a agreement about it too.. and your parents last wish was this... (until i looked down fidgeting my fingers and when he said that is my parents last wish i agreed with that .. suddenly i saw his eyes he was sitting and explaining with out any expression wtf)
Y/n: oh then ok i agree to marry you
Jm: that's great then this is our engagement ring ( he wear it in my ring finger) and now you wear this to me ... (i do what he said) ok y/n now were are engaged don't overthink any think lemme explain as i need to go japan for 3day our engagement happened here simply ok then next week is our marriage and my parents had told everything to your brother and he agreed with that(that brat doesn't tell anything) and my sister and parents will take you for shopping... ok
Y/n: it's hotel can we talk while having a walk
Jm: yup
We are having a walk

Y/n: can i spoke up
He nodded

Y/n: I don't know what to say but if it comes to my parents i am the most fragile person .. ever .. i agree to it ...cause i saw my brother was getting older i need to chose a good girl for him to get married

He nodded
Aish did he know to utter any sound hmm... no he don't i am telling for sure

Y/n : i talked too much sorry
Jm: I don't say that's not true
Y/n: what do you mean (i asked in my mind)
A frown escaped from my eyebrows

Jm: how will you go home now
Y/n: tae...would pick me up
Jm: ok that's good
He saw his wrist watch
Jm: ok i am going now go fast to home and inform to my mom ok
Y/n: (nodded)
Jm: i want only words not actions
Y/n: uhm.. ok

Y/n: bye
His car came he nodded for my bye and went without turning back to me and saying a small bye what the fucking rule he only answer in actions and i must only use words to say or respond to him uff... i know it's gonna go into the deep ocean ... and like a un smoothy path .... Ups and downs ....

Hey lovelies  i am back sorry for late post i had some problems about my work so pls cooperate with me love you lot ..  miss you guys 🥰✨💕

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