Part 16// flashback//# 3

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Irene pov :

I know my brother is strong but not when it come to our parents ............ he is merciless but not to them ....

I am totally different from him ... (wide smirk)

I gave a missed call to taehyung
Indicating him to speed up the gear cuz he is the fastest rider in our gang ......

Wah ... jeons came ....

I had crush on jeon jungkook but unfortunately he just fallen for that girl and who is owner of kims and taehyungs sister..,


My secretary max  called me he told
we trace out the men who done this fucking thing  to sir mam he is ...


Why he do that ....
but....  He is my BOYFRIEND

I went to his home without wasting single minute i saw him fucking withmy bestie

I lost them behind me ....
Cuz i came in another way to his home

A/n pov

She went inside his home without noise and captured the video of whole thing and she sneaks into his room and saw the cameras he kept all are not working THE GAME IS ON HER SIDE

She takes all images and her fathers things too she conformed it but she wanna know why he do that to him she called her brother to come to spot he came with loud horn's and sounds of wagons making kai confuse

Even they continued

Jeon opened the door with loud thud ...



Saying kim came inside
Kai and jennie got separated and kai gives her a blanket to cover

Jm: uh what do you think we'll see this bitch

Tae: huaa.. if we see her unholy body our eyes will squeeze out

Jk : inaf no more word only action

Ie :i'll take care of him
She went near him

Ie : hello mr . Kai how long we meet it's my shity fate to see you in my fucking life again
You know something your mother failed in two things it's raising you has gud human and forget to add your surnames

Kai: w-what do you mean Jen go in ..(he give signal to her she went )  What's your problem now

Ie: you killed my dad

Kai: your dad you mean that fat man  park

Ie : SHUTUP FUCKER he is my dad

Kai: he didn't sold his company to me and also refuse to marry you to me

Ie: if he said ok also do you think i'll agree to it?? It's clearly no.. you mother fucking cheater why you did this to my dad

They all saw. Irene confused
Jm: i-irene do you know him

Ie : yes my fucking cheater ex boyfriend

Jm : when you loved when you broke uped

Ie : loved an yr ago and break up just a minute ago

Jm: woah savage gurl i think you must take him in your custody

Kai smirked
But why??!!!

Jen bring out a men that is her (irenes) cousin

Ie: felix

Fl: irene ... you're here why you came here ( he cried his face marked with bruises)

Ie: who the hell brings you here

Jen: it me hi ...

Ie : bitch

Jen : not more than you  oww ouch
( felix kicked her legs )

Fl: you don't dare to utter a word about my fiancé

Kai/ jen / ie : what your fiancé

Fl: yes ........ we were engaged in 5yrs itself

Kai: uff child marriage

Jk is getting angry seeing this drama and frustrated by seeing taehyung and jm playing clash of clans in phone ...

He shooted kai

Next movement jen pushed felix on the sharp wooden table
His head hits on it and blood came out faster irene take his head on her lap unknowingly tears came out cuz he used to approach her and flirt with her and never let her getting disrespected by anyone he serves as guardian for her the last words of him were
"See(he chuckled little) i t-told you i-i'll l-love you till m-my e-end i-i kept my promise s-safe"

Ie: don't tell like that argghhh(she shouted)
Jm: felix plzz... hold it back jk called ambulance

Fl: i-i cant (he looked into irene's eyes) i love you love
(He closed his eyes )

They both mourned hard
Ie: you told you'll stay with me i-i shouldn't love this fucker kai i-i was blinded by f-fake love s-sorry baby but m-my love for you never ends

Jimin eyes shot up and he shooted jen many times and kai too their story ends

Irene done every rituals for felix in the place of wife cuz when she carries him the ring in his pocket and letter was seen by her

It was a wedding ring for felix and irene he wrote everything clearly in it he came for proposing her but they kidnapped him so she marries him after he died too ..

It's melts everyone including taehyung and jungkook but they hide it to you

Felix has. No parents he always stays in their grandparents house

Everything ends and irene plans to be all alone and jimin brokes into millon pieces

Jimin pov
The worst nightmare happened in my life but now saving y/n is important

He opened the box and he got the medicine for her drug (injection) which can wake her up .... He injected her and he make her to lie on the bed and went to pack all the things

She waked after sometime

Jm: y/n ....

Y/n: what happened for me ..... You don't come near me

Jm: understand but listen your b-brother .....

Yn: taehyung .....

Jm: he met with an accident...

Y'n: WHAT!!

Hey gurls sorry for too late post i had facing something harder so please understand next one will posted soon so untill that take care be healthy bye love you lots 💕

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