Part14 // flash back //#1

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Jimin pov

            What can i do i need to open this but something is stoping me
Dad!!!! You are alive i know they are lying  ..... dad!!!!!!
The crying and mourning sound echoed in his head and ears he closed his eyes and ears tightly his eyes letting out some tears

"Why did you do that dad why !!!!"

#10yrs ago
Jm: hey mom

Mom: yah jiminaa what a surprise today !!

Jm: why??(frowning his eye brows)

Mom: wishing me first when you enter everyday your dad is that lucky person

Jm: mom(whining)

???: hey jiminaaa......

Jm: hey round belly man

Dad: how can you call me that ??

Jm: cause you're dad ...

Dad: hey jagi

Mom: thank god now the father remember me that i am home

Dad :honey ...

Mom: what everyday you come then your son will take you upstairs and i even don't know what you both do there ... and also my sweet heart is living far from us .... It's sad

Jm: sweet heart ?? Then am i a joke to you

Mom: I don't think i played any kind of joke here

Dad: honey..... sorry can we go out

Jm: excuse me mr and mrs you have 27 yr old son and 24yr old daughter

Dad : what so,,.. we'll always love till end

Jm: cringy

(The pink tint appeared on the jimin mom's cheeks)
Dad : aww my wife is cute with it

Jm: i am leaving and both before going out don't forget your medicine

Mom&dad : aww how caring our son is

Jm: why you guys are becomes so cringy and cheesy

The laughed more

Don't know how long it stays

Theh both went out

Jm: bye old couples

(Everyone will be confused how jimin is talking so cooler and funnier lemme clear it

Jimin would be so encouraging and funniest person he could make one laugh and also to cry he like to spend more time with his family and also talks alot )

#at car

Dad : honey did you see my video i send today

Mom: nah I don't like to see it
(Mom had sense something gonna be wrong here )

She saw blood coming through her husband ears and his eyes turned red he was driving as crazy and the had heart attack he was soon inaf to grap his chest and the car fell from the bridge to river

??: is it park jimin ??

Jm: yes!!

??: can you come to san river

Jm: why

??: and your parents mr and mrs park meet with an accident

Jimins whole world crashed

Jm: i-i am c-coming

Jimin pov:
God keep them safer please and then he saw his father's tablet box one more time
It's drug and also slow poisoning
The startled little

"Why he need to use it??"
I should not waste time i took it with me
(That hospital was owned by jimin and his family)

#at hospital i saw the structure covered some body in that and it was covered in white cloth the blood was clearly visible out and where is mom

I ran fast inaf to go reception to ask about them

R/t: yes sir mrs. Jeon is fine and having small injuries only

Jm : how is dad

R/t: unfortunately we can't save him because of his high tolerance of drug

Jm: drug ???

R/t: yes lemme show the reports

Jm pov:
I just processing that my father used drugs .. because of him mom in the death end and he gona leaving me here then why he should be so loving with us he doesn't even scold us .....

Receptionist came and give the reports

The huge letters caught my sight i teared the papers and scream cause of anger and pain in my heart cause of my dad

I went to his body

Jm: dad i know you're alive they're lying please wake up ..... i know

(He chuckled) dad is this a prank
Don't do this now i am serious see your body full of blood go and bath i know

I fall on my knees and sob hard and hard and hard
"Everything and everyone was a lie"

I ran to my mom
"M-mom mom every one saying dad left us no mom why you're sleeping "

Jimin screamed and every nurse and doctors came and take him to a personal ward they give him anesthesia to sleep so he just slept for 3 days he wake with a mild headache

He was processing everything grabing his head he ran to the place were before his father kept in the structure

He is not there he asked to everyone

"Where is my dad ?? Where is my dad ??"

Taehyung came there and hug him tightly and cried with him
"We buried him and funeral is going on comewe go"

"How did you do that he is alive i know"

Tae: jimin come to reality we need to accept the reality

Jimin kept silence
Jm: (hugged taehyung and cried on his shoulders hardly)  w-why it need to happen to me ?? Why did we do anything for anyone expect helping ??

Tae: shush..... now see jimin you're only there for your mom and sister

??: jimin....
Jm: irene

She ran to him and hugged him tightly
Ie: what is the real reson behind this jimin ?... we can't leave the real betrayer

Jm: i-i am trying to find hard but i don't know will we can find or not

Ie: we'll use our own method

Jimin release the hug....
Jm: w-what do you mean??

Hey cutie's i hope y'all fine .... Ok the next part will also a flashback and plzz i beg you to vote 🗳 alone plz ... and take care next part will be posted soon ...... bye 😘

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