Part 15// flashback //#2

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Jm: w-what do you mean?

Ie: you must take action about our self i am going now to our under coverage (in his ears) to our place

Jimin stunned about his sister
(He is an mafia and his sister is also but she is heartless and he too but he had some love for his family he stunned that they need to start the work which they stopped for some sake)

Jm: (nodded)
Tae: i think her plan would work

Jm: b-but if something happen to mom
Tae: shh.. nothing will happen Now we can go to the funeral

Jm: dad .... (He went near the picture cried over there with full pain )
Ie: jimin ...... don't cry it's our fate writen on our head

Jm: (nodded) but irene how can we start the work which we stopped already

Ie: we need to cause that's our dad and I don't belive that he uses drug it's planned by someone and tricked

Jm: how can you say with this much of confidence
Ie : here( shows the footage of their house a man with black dress and mask entered in his father's room )

Jm: how ??

Ie : don't you remember something

Jm: what??

Ie: our father got new project recently

Jm: yes

Ie: it's kinda gud hint nah .. first catch them then we would find other resons and step by step we would reach our enemy

Jm: proud of you

Ie: it's not a time tobe get appreciated,,,.

Jm: yes (he turned to his dads pic) bye for now dad we'll find the true criminal ....

They both smirked and went out that day yn were there too...

Tae : jimin ....

Jm: what ??

Tae: who will be with aunty??

Jm stopped in his track ..

Jm: irene .. who will be with mom now

Irene : tae can you ask your sister to stay with her ...

Tae: of course that's good idea cuz she also need to be alone at home without me ..

Ie: fine

Ie : now fast i'll give you a missed call that time just start your engine now go to your wagons

Tae/jm: yes mission starts now

They ran to it and irene gave a call

Then the greysmoke spreaded althrough the roads and sounds filled the streets

Vrooommm.... Vrooooooooom....

Everyone got alert cuz they know these sounds were onlg belongs to kim's and park's

Finally the last wagon joins
With loud sound

Wraaaaaaaaa..hhhhhhhhhh ..... (owner of black Mercedes)


Their faces just glued with open hell smirk which can take more lifes

Without thinking once....

Hey loves i know this chapter was too short and sorry for late post and another only one part for flash back .. .. and after that we would deal with that rude ass .. pjm .. okie bye until that tc 💕✨

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