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You take him to your room
???: lemme know the true reson why you left me i am really feeling lost or like my mind is full of something some gud old memories and also by you i am acting strange my parents telling that i got mentally affected
Did i am tell me i am ???

He questioned you and fell on his knees and began to cry like no tomorrow

You can't help him in this stage
Y/n : jungkook

He saw you up with redish eyes filled with tears

Jk: y/n don't i fulfil all your need and wants i-i couldn't even h-have c-courage to face another g-girl expect you

Y/n: d-do you think i left you for simple resons ?

Jk: what??

Y/n: your m-mother told that you must m-marry your stepsister t-then she could get all your properties on h-her name she told if i hang with y-you for long s-she will k-kill you

Jk: w-why don't you tell this m-me earlier


Jk: i-i can't digest this

Y/n: even i could do that jungkook

The door knocking sound intrupted them

Y/n: some one is knocking go and hide some where

Jk: where??

Y/n: under bed

Jk went and hide under it by god's grace it matches his hight too

Jimin gave his entry

Jm: what are you doing here talking with your ex??

Y/n: what??!! I don't have that kinda things

Jm: I don't ask about thing i asked about person

Y/n: what if thats true you do you care ??

Sarcastic laugh jm: do i care what made you think like that mrs. Park jimin

You saw his eyes which doesn't even contains any expression without pride on it

Jm: my mom told me search for you ... so i came here not anything more than that ok
And also don't think i would care for you babe come down now

Y/n: .........

Jm: you know that I don't like to repeat anything again

You followed him like lost girl in the huge function

J/m/m: where did you went y/n

Y/n: i went restroom aunty

J/m/m: you made me afraid with mins .... And also don't call me aunty call me mom ok dear

You smiled at her

Y/n: ok mom
When your his went that side ... he turn to you

Jm: don't take more advantage of it and i know that you'll surely run with your ex boyfriend

Y/n: think you talk too much man

She said in a savage tone and went there like someone called her

He was standing there and still processing what she done right now


Meanwhile ~

Jk came out of her room as soon they went to have their food


#at park manison

Y/n's pov

          Ugh .. this house is not that big as mine that's me and my brothers hardwork
While she thinking like that the voice intruptes her ..
"You can stay in my room and i'll tell some rules that you have to follow here ok"
You hummed in response
"Now you can go and take fresh up"
He went ......
You were being like lost ....
"But where are my dresses"
"It'll come in morn"
"Where is the room"
Without responding he turned to you without expression
Y/nin mind: oh god did you forget to add facial expressions while he borns or forget to pour on emotions

"Where i am going now is my room and come and follow me"....

Hey gurls i am sorry for late i am having daily classes and over work too so i can't finish this part so soon i am extremely sorry next part will be posted next week .....Exams are coming soon so pray for me ...... bye gurls untill that take care have great meal have good days with good day cookies 😘

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