Part22// realize //

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Authors pov

           They were living a happy and friendly life for 1 1/2 yrs where ever they go
Everyones first question
"Don't you have children"
"Are you fertile"
These questions made yn avoid parties
She just lead the company to huge growth
And taehyung got recovery
Irene and taehyung got married
Before 6months and she is pregnant (what yn will do if her brother is so fast 🌚)

Everything just passed

Jm pov ...
       Today I have companies profit party i need to call yn also for this
Yn is cooking in kitchen and till now tae and irene didn't come from room it's time to ask here

I causally walked kitchen and took coke from refrigerator

Jm: ummm... y-yn

Yn hummed in response

Jm: today night w-we have p-profit party in our company

Yn: so. ..

Jm: t-they ask both of them join

Yn: and ...

Jm: will you come

Yn: no !!

Jm: why plz just for me

Yn: will you answer for everyone

Jm: for ??

Yn: baby

Jm: tell me baby

Yn: stupid i said if they ask about baby you should reply everyone ok or I won't come

Jm: fine then get ready tonight sharp at 9.00

Yn: hmm

Jm: words??

Yn: ok

Jimin had changed alot when he was with yn she was really pure the way she takes care of his mother his sister her brother and even his family members

He realize he was in love
The cold ice started to melt

Yn signs and left to her room to take a nap she wake at 3.00pm for a meeting

Online meeting

She completed it and she went to hall to have a call with her brother

Rings ...📞

Tae: hello

Yn: hey dumb ass How are you doing

Tae: i am god

Yn: god??

Tae: yes i am god

Yn: oh my goodness thats i am good

Tae: aish whatever how is that pabo

Yn: don't call him like that ji-ral (bullshit in korean)

Tae: stop cursing

??: taehyungii

Tae: haaan babe i am here

Irene : he yniee hru how is that ji-ral

Yn signs

Yn: why you both kims calls my husband ji-ral

Kimcouple: cause he is ji-ral (both shouts in phone and laugh like evil)

Yn: let god forgive both and how is your baby doing

Irene: umm.... I am sorry yn we lost it previous week

Yn: WHAT!! HOW!!

Irene : i fell down (sniff)

Tae: soon you'll get new news (shouts from behind)

Yn: why didn't you infrom me irene

Irene: I didn't tell that to mom too

Yn: if she know she'll felt more bad so wait for a while

Irene : hmm

Yn: words??

Irene : what?? You became like my brother ji-ral

Yn: his name is jimin park jimin

Irene : han han anyways ji-ral

Yn didn't notice the door opened and someone came inside listen to the conversation

She turned back feeling the presence
Yn: j-jimin

Jm: yes give me the phone
Yn: w-why

Still irene was cursing jimin

Jm: you shut up frog !! Irene

Ie: ji-ral you came

Jm: yes monkey how dare you curse me to my wife

Ie: keep your wife yourself I don't need her

Jm: endthe call

Ie: bye ynieee bye jiral

Jm: ynie didn't you got ready

Yn: it's only 6 jimina

Jm: ok i had bought you this wear it ok

Yn: your selection

Jm: nah.. jungkook

Yn: ok

What's gonna happen in the party is mistry
So wait until that bye love you all take care bye 😘

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