Part 20// shit!!!//

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Yn pov:

Dayun and irene called me ask how i had done and they saw me on tv they told they where quite proud of me and there is a movement in brothers body i am really happy today
I don't know what jimin gonna tell about my stage performance i really love when he snakes his around my waist feels comfortable

I know i turly love him but is he???

Jm pov:
I need to tell command about her performance nether or less she gonna ask me (fuck annoy) what i can say "well" this is inaf

A/n pov:

             They came home and their shared bedroom
The two beds on each corner ... 2 bathrooms  and one common big table in middle ..

Jimin came out after bathing with the towel wrapped around his waist .. he looked at yn who is looking at him in shock their eyes met ...omo someone became tomato he looked at yn and raised his one eyebrow intigating "what"
She was stunned
"U-umm n-nothing i-its hot here i am going out" "shit i shuttered"yn thought to herself and went out rushing and sign
"Shit what if i caught staring at him he'll definitely kill me "

#after an hour
Yn pov :
It been 1hour since i came to hall till now he is changing or he—-
I opened the door he was blabbering something and finished a whole full bottle of alcohol
Why did he do that i thought he is teetotaler

When i tried to go out he grabbed my wrist and pinned me on the wall
"W-what are you doing jimin"

"Why i felt something when I grabbed your waist are you trying to seduce me huh??!!"

"W-why would i do that"

"... I DoNt LIke soMe oNe taLkiNg agAInsT me"

"L-leave me you are hurting me "

He let out sacratic laugh and kissed my lips hardly it cuz my lips to bleed

I tried to push him but he is strong than me I didn't kiss him back i think if i do that he will leave me

Can i?? I asked in bettween the kiss breaking it ..
cuz his plum and shiny lips making me crave for it

he didn't reply and now i kissed him back he let out me and the kiss was pathetic .....

And he took me and throw me on bed he hovered upon me

He grabbed my both wrist  in his huge hands upon my head and pinned it I screamed for help we can't do anything before we both have good relationship

"J-jimin l-leave me y-you are not in the s-sense"

Jm :IaM In BaBy GuRl

He kissed me hardly i let out the painful moan

The tears flowing down i tried to free up my hands

I don't have any options i kicked his balls 🌚

He grabbed his junior and fallen aside on bed
"Ahhhhhhhh——- yn i'll kill you"!

It's time for me to run
I went to guest room and locked

I can't take this i am neared to get raped
I slide down the door crying closing my mouth tightly not to let out a sound

I heared the door knock

On the enterance

Who is that??!!!

I see through the window
Food delivery man I didn't went out and canceled the order from phone .......(fortunately i took my with me )


Jimin had the habit of waking at 5.00am and going through the cameras at home ...

He saw his bedroom footage
His eyes widened in the shock
His sweats make shower his body
His hands and body trembling
The guilt rushing towards his body

"Fuck jimin what you have done !! How you going to look at her face !!!!"
Jimin cursed himseld

#yn pov

I wake with the great headache and also had a gud sleep it's fine to sleep at here every day
Peace ☮️

Hey gurls hru!?? Hope y'all fine so plz vote for this part if you like it bye takecare I'll post next part soon 🔜 love you all 💕✨

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