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         When I woke up, I found myself in a comfortable bed. As I looked around, I realized I was in a room surrounded by guys. They must have been the others who have passed. Honestly, there weren't that many - probably about 15 of us.

"Hey, good job!" He punches my shoulder practically out of nowhere.  

"Ow." Belle mumbled rubbing her arm.  

He stares at me. "You have little arms." 

"You punched me." 

"It was a playful punc-

"You still punched me."

"I'm just kidding." I try not to giggle.

"We're definitely going to have to get you to work out because you won't last a day out there."
And he was right I wouldn't. 

"Let's go! Everyone outside now!"

It must be our instructor who will train us. We all listened to his instructions, and when we left the room, we found the league fighters eagerly waiting for us. 

"You'll be competing against one another inside the woods today. This is the part of the woods that has the lowest and least harmful Black Forest evil ones. 

You all have 1 hour to complete it and kill 25 in that time." 

Everyone looks at each other. 

25...? That was a lot but it would help me with my strength and he already said that it was one of the weakest sides of the forest so it was safe from any powerful enemies, alongside that I was excited to see how much money I was going to earn from this. 

"Whoever completes it first gets to fight with the league today." 

We would get to fight with them? were we even ready for that?,

My gaze happened to fall on theirs, noticing that one of them was already glancing at me, It was the same guy that had given me the sword.

"Hey.. Jake. Do you know that one's name??" 

"Who? Oh, him, That's Aiden. He's the strongest one from the group, one of the first Elite."

"Go!!" The instructor yells. 

"See ya!" Jake yells running ahead of me. 

I joined the group as we hurried inside. As we entered, we were greeted by an awaiting fog that narrowed my view. 

*chains dragging* 

"Behind you."

I turn to find an evil one behind me with chains on the ground. I immediately strike, "Again. Strike."

I turn my sword the other way, slicing it in half.

                    *Inventory* (5 coins added)

These low ranks will take forever to make a profit, I had to move up fast. 

Only a few moments later, I was wiping the sweat from my face; I looked above my head.

20 minutes left and I just have to kill one more. 

I began to wander around, but there was nothing, Where did everything go? 

Suddenly I looked down, realizing a sword was on the ground with blood on it.

Did someone already die?? Why was it here? 

The fog started to clear up, and when I looked up, I felt chills running through my body.

Because when I read that monsters league it should be impossible for it to be this close to the small league surface. 

"Level 10"

It turned around, and when it did, it had a body inside its mouth.

I quickly hid behind a tree, hoping it didn't already sense my presence. 

The sound of it chewing sent goosebumps down my body, I was trying so hard to get the sound out of my mind.

"H-help me." 

I look to the ground near the Evil one to see a human on the ground. His arm was gone but he was still alive. 

Crap. Crap. Crap. What do I do?!  

"Haha. I know I already finished my 25 I'm heading back now." 

Suddenly, I saw a group of two heading my way. It was Jake and another guy walking back to camp. They noticed me, and I began shaking my head, pointing for them to get out!!

"Asher? What are you doing? Oh, come on don't tell me you still haven't finished- 

Suddenly the tree that I was hiding behind was lifted from the exact evil one I was hiding from.  

"Asher... RUN!" Jake shouted running towards me as fast as he could.  

I turned around to see the evil one hovering above me; I felt as if I couldn't move.  

"Asher, let's go!! " Jake grabbed my arm, and we began running as fast as we could; if he hadn't grabbed me, I would've been dead.  

I looked behind to see it teleporting fast toward us; we weren't going to escape this. We would both die before we made it to the others. 

"Jake, we have to split up!!" I shout my voice trembling a little. 


"I'll hold it off. Go warn the league!" I shout, pulling my arm back and turning to it. 

"Asher it's a level 10!!!!" Jake stopped, almost wanting to help me, but he knew this was the best chance we had.  

"Go!!" I shout. 

He hesitates for a second but runs off towards the exit. 

"E-error t-t-that's a-a nnew on-one." 

It says glitching all over the place, what was it?

I knew that the higher the ranks, the more they could talk. I thought this was a myth, but I guess not. 

"Don't move," The voice in my head says sounding stern. 

Should I really listen this time? Not to move?

The evil one stood there, and so did I. No sudden movements were made. When I accidentally moved my leg back, it teleported behind me, grabbing my leg and swinging me to a tree.

"Ah!" I groan in pain, blood already dripping from my mouth.  

"It fights with movement," The voice in my head says.

"You could've said that!" I mumble slightly annoyed by how late he told me.

I stood back up, knowing it moved to my movements, but I had to get a better position. 

"Duck," I quickly duck as he takes a swing at my head with his fists.

Crap, that would've killed me; I need to be more careful. 

"Swing at its feet." I quickly grab the sword and aim for its feet, but it teleports backward. 

I had to be faster. 

"I-I l-like y-y-you." 

Meanwhile, with Jake, he was warning the others about the situation unfolding in the forest. 

"Help! Someone help!!!"

"Aw, did someone get scared?" One of them says, laughing and teasing at how scared he looks.

Jake took deep breaths, trying to calm himself before speaking. 

"Please, Asher. He's in there. He will die!!!" Jake tries talking, still taking deep breaths. 

"What? why is he going to die? " Aiden approaches him slightly confused. 

"Level 10 Evil one, Asher is in there fighting it!!" 

Jake didn't even have to finish what he was saying. Aiden and the others flashed into the woods, running as fast as they could into it.

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