Fight till the death

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It strikes once more, hitting me square in the stomach; I fell to the floor, gripping tightly onto my stomach.

Their impact was so strong that I'm surprised I'm still awake after that hit.  

"I'm sorry, I just can't do it," I look down at the floor, feeling hopeless. Was this the feeling my brother had before he died? What was he thinking...?

"Get up," The voice says.

"I can't," Blood was dripping all over me.

"Get up!!!"

At that moment, I looked up to see it about to swing at me, and I quickly threw myself to the other side. 

"Again!" The voice says again, and I throw myself again, moving away from its attacks.


I quickly grip onto my sword and strike. And when I did, I was surprised that I actually hurt it. 

"W-w-woah y-you got m-mmme." It began laughing. 

"Run. Run. Run." The voice kept repeating. 

"Are you serious?!!!!" 

Thanks a lot, voice. I quickly began running. What?! what choice did I have?

"Y-y-you ccant h-hide." 

I was running as fast as I could, but it was gaining on me, and with these injuries, I wouldn't make it out of there.

My legs were slowly giving out, and my sight was blurry. 

Suddenly I noticed from the distance others running towards me. 

Was it them? The Elites?

"Get down!!!!" One of them shouts. 

I quickly tossed myself to the floor, feeling somewhat relieved that they were here to take over.  

They jump over me. Their speed was unbelievable. 

I looked back just to be sure, and yeah, it was them, The Elites. 

Oh, thank goodness, I forced myself to have steady breathing because if I didn't, I was afraid I would pass out.


I jumped as I felt fingers touch my shoulder. I slowly turn around to see it grinning at me. 

"Someone get Asher out of here!!" One of them shouts. 

Suddenly, Aiden jumps in front of me, taking a strike at it.

"Let's go." He quickly lifted me up in his arms and began running towards the exit of the forest. 

*coughs,* I was beginning to cough up blood.

"Take that mask off." 

He quickly lowered the mask, and I couldn't resist, but when he did, he realized I wasn't a guy at all, I was a girl. 

"Crap." He put the mask back up on my face. 

When we reached back at the camp, I heard people shouting.
I could hear and see flashing white lights.

"What happened?!" 

My eyes were so droopy I could barely see what was going on. 

"I need their clothing off there could be injuries-

When he did, the person checking me noticed fast. 

"It's a girl." 

I looked around, but it was only Aiden and him in the room.

"Tell no one. Save her." 

And that's when everything around me went black. 

A few hours later, My eyes finally began adjusting to the light. 

It was so bright. 

I look to the side of my bed to see a league fighter there. Aiden. 

"Wait." I lifted my hand to my head and noticed that my hair was out. 

"They had to make sure there weren't any internal injuries. There wasn't, but..." 

He stood to his feet, almost seeming as if he was walking away. 

"Wait. Please." My eyes were beginning to water. He knew what he was going to do.  

"You broke the rules." 

I quickly sit up. "Please. It shouldn't matter. I should be able to." 

He shakes his head, "It's not my rules. It's theirs. You are no longer a part of the fighter's rank."

"No." I stand to my feet a little wobbly, but I grip onto his arm. "Please. I beg of you. Please. My brother was a fighter, and he died. But it's not only that there are other reasons why I joined that I can't explain yet." 

He sighs as he suddenly pulls his arm back, exiting the room. 

I fell to the floor as my eyes began to water. No tears fell, but I sat there emotionless, unsure of what I was going to do now. 

I'm so sorry. I thought I could.. I-

Suddenly, the door opened again, and a cape was thrown at me, "No one must know." 

I look up to see Aiden staring at me from the door.  

I nod. "I promise they won't. Thank you." 

"Hurry, your classmates are waiting for you." 

Aiden exits the room again, and I hold the cape close to my chest. 

I was still in. 

Within a few minutes, I exited the room and walked out of the medics' camp to find the rest of them waiting for me. 

They all began clapping, why? I didn't do much it was all them. 

I hesitantly smiled even though they couldn't see it. It was still nice to see how much everyone cared. 

"Let's go!!" Jake comes over, punching me on my shoulder again. 


He laughs. "Bro, I thought you were going to die." 

"Haha.. yeah." 

"Alright, everyone, please pay attention."

It was our instructor. 

"We had an incident where a level 10 evil one was inside the small range camp, meaning we need more fighters in the bigger leagues, so you all need to work your asses off; thanks to Jake and Asher, we were able to get it to in time before anyone else was hurt. We did have two casualties, though." 

Everyone looks at one another, feeling anxious. 

"Oh, please put me in the bigger league already." One of them shouts. 

I laugh a little bit. 

The guy looked at me and glared, "So we are canceling this term, so whoever didn't finish killing 25 is free this time." 

The instructor gives me a look. 

Right. I only got 24. 

"Alright, enjoy the rest of your day. Goodbye. " With that, the instructor was off. 

I was about to leave with Jake when, suddenly, a guy came up to me and shoved me.

"Aye, watch it!" Jake shouts. 

"I don't know I think your friend here should watch it." He gets in my face and walks away. 

"I wasn't going to bother with someone like that. There was no use."

"Wait, Asher, where are you going?" Jake asks, following me noticing I wasn't going back to the camp. 

"To practice." 

"Didn't you just finish healing?!!!" 

I shrug. 

"You coming or not?" 

He thinks for a second and follows after me.

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