Chapter 17: Super Vegeta

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Android 19 lunged forward, punching Vegeta in the face, sending Vegeta reeling back. 19 smirked confidently

Vegeta: Hmph, what a shame.

Android 19's smirk fell almost instantly. Vegeta stood back up, wiping the blood from his mouth

Vegeta: Seems you just initiated your self-destruct sequence.

Android 19 backed away in shock

Vegeta: Now, let me give you a countdown.

 Vegeta leaped forward, driving his foot right into 19's stomach

 Vegeta leaped forward, driving his foot right into 19's stomach

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Vegeta: FIVE!

Android 19 slid across the ground, beginning to show signs of breaking

Vegeta: Well, well, well. Looks like I'm a size 19

Android 19 quickly kipped up and attempted a sneak attack, but Vegeta ducked down, dropkicking 19 into the air

Vegeta: FOUR!

Android 19 flew up high in the air, stopping himself right before Vegeta appeared above him

Vegeta: So, have you rusted your pants yet?!

Android 19 let out a robotic yell, swinging at Vegeta rapidly. Vegeta laughed, grabbing 19's fist before landing a powerful punch of his own right to 19's face, causing what looked like blood to leak from 19's nose

Vegeta: Tell me, Android, is that oil or blood?

Android 19 launched eye beams at Vegeta, but Vegeta dodged, proceeding to slam 19 back to the ground

Vegeta: THREE!

Android 20 looked on in shock

20: DAMMIT! No... don't panic. Everything will turn out dandy as long as Android 19 can grab Vegeta and steal his energy.

Vegeta jumped down into the crater formed by 19's landing

Vegeta: You know, I'm sure there was an advantage to creating a fat robot, but for the life of me, I just don't see it.

Android 19 suddenly woke up, sitting up and grabbing Vegeta's wrists

Android 19 suddenly woke up, sitting up and grabbing Vegeta's wrists

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