Chapter Six

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I wake up with a throbbing headache, and instantly regret going out last night, like I always do when I wake up with a hangover. To be honest, I can’t even remember last night. I shake my head, but realise this was a bad idea, as the intense pain in my head suddenly returns. I’m about to get out of bed, when I suddenly realise that I’m not in my bedroom. I look around and stare at the room around me, which is pretty plain, so it’s not like there’s even any hints to show me whose room it is. Fuck, I hope I didn’t sleep with some random guy last night.

However, I stop panicking once I see a note attached to the pillow next to me.

I’d have loved to have stayed and had morning cuddles with you, or morning sex, whichever you prefer, but I got called into the studio. I’ll be back around 2. There’s tablets and some water on the bedside table for you, you little pisshead! Love James x

I smile, and roll over, before quickly swallowing the tablets and gulping down the glass of water. Aw, James is so caring! Why can’t all guys be like him?!

I’m about to head downstairs and make myself some breakfast, when I suddenly hear the front door slam shut. Wow, is it two already?

“Holly, you awake?” he shouts up the stairs as he’s walking up them.

“YEAH!” I shout back pretty loudly, giving myself even more head pain. Wow, smart move there Holly. James pushes the bedroom door open, a cheeky smile playing on his lips.

“Probably not a good idea to shout, babe.” He smirks, and I can’t help but smile. Partly because of what he said, and partly because of how hot he looks right now.

“Mm, thanks for the advice.” I reply, and watch him as he wanders around his room doing various tasks.

“Quit staring at me you creep!” he suddenly tells me, making me blush. I really need to get out of the habit of staring at him so much...

“Sorry.” I apologise, and quickly lay back down. I close my eyes, not wanting him to think I’m some kind of pervert that can’t keep their eyes off of him...which is what I am, but you know!

A minute later, I feel his body slide in the bed next to me. His arms instantly find their way around my waist, and we lay in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. My hangover slowly begins to disappear, when James clears his throat, making me slightly nervous for no apparent reason.

“Do you know what today is?” he asks me quietly. I turn my body round so that I’m now facing him, and smile at how gorgeous he looks. The things this man does to me...

“Saturday 2nd of March 2013.” I tell him, wondering whether he’s testing me to check how hung-over I am.

“Mm,’s also kinda my birthday.” James tells me so quickly, that I can hardly make out what he says.

I instantly sit up and fold my arms whilst giving him an annoyed look.

“And you didn’t bother to tell me this before, why?!” I ask him, so he shrugs.

“I didn’t want a fuss; I just want a movie night in with you.” He tells me, which is cute, but seriously, why the hell did he not tell me it was his birthday before?! I could’ve organised something, and got him an amazing present!

“But I want to celebrate your birthday! How about we go out and get pissed?” I suggest, so he chuckles, and shakes his head. “What are you shaking your head at?” I ask him, and stare at him, waiting for him to reply.

“You’re still hung-over and you’re already planning to go out and get pissed again tonight.” He says, making me smile.

“What can I say? I’m one of a kind!” I beam, and once again, begin staring at him.

“Stop staring at me! Why can’t we just have a movie night in? We’ll watch The Lion King, do all that cute stuff couples do like cuddling and shit, then have sex like lions after, yeah?” he asks me, but I shake my head, refusing to give in.

“As lovely as that sounds, I know it’s your birthday and I’m meant to do everything you say, but...WE CAN’T WASTE THIS OPPORTUNITY! 25TH BIRTHDAY EQUALS 25 FREE DRINKS IN MY EYES!” I tell him, but he just shakes his head at me and grabs his iPhone out of his pocket.

“I swear booze is all you think about...” he mumbles, and begins scrolling through his Twitter mentions. Hm, I don’t think he’ll back down anytime soon, so I guess I’ll just have to force him to go out.

I snatch his phone out of his hands, and shove it down my bra, an evil smirk filling my face as I do.

“You know, I’ll happily get my phone out from there.” He winks, and begins to bring his hand towards me, but I slap it away.

“You can have your phone back...if you agree to go out tonight.” I tell him, so he begins to stand up.

“Guess I better go out and buy a new phone then.” he replies, and smiles, clearly pleased with his reply.

“Does that mean you don’t love me?” I ask him, and pout.

“Fine, I’ll go out. Answer this first though, before you said, because it’s my birthday, you have to do everything I say, right?” he asks me. I can see where this is going, but I kinda like it. Yep, slutty Holly for the win. I slowly nod, and wait for him to continue. “Birthday sex?” he winks, and stares me in the eyes, awaiting my reply.

“Can we have pancakes after it?” I ask him, making him chuckle.

“All you think about is food and booze! My type of girl.” He smiles, and looks at me, waiting for me to determine the next move.

“Come get me then, and we’ll make some pancake mix.” I wink, and literally a second later, he crawls over to where I’m laid on the bed. We stare into each other’s eyes for a few seconds, but we don’t wait long before we begin violently snogging. Dang, I wish he wasn’t such a good kisser - it just makes me want him even more.

He slides his hand further up my thigh, and reaches the top. He begins playing with the material of my pyjama shorts, when suddenly; we hear the door slam shut downstairs, followed by the footsteps of someone pacing around the hallway. I pull apart from him, and we both stare into each other’s eyes, slight fear in them, neither of us knowing who the person currently downstairs is.

“JAMES! Come down or I’ll come up and find you, you little man whore!” a whiny girls voice yells, so I raise an eyebrow, and stare at him. He simply shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair, in an attempt to tidy it up.

“I’ll be right back.” He whispers, and quickly slides out of bed. He leaves the room without saying anything else, and runs down the stairs urgently, almost like he’s scared of the girl with the whiny voice downstairs. Hm, weird. I guess I better get up to go and investigate...

I crawl out of bed, and tiptoe out onto the landing, making sure to be quiet, so they don’t hear me being nosey. I lean over the banister slightly, and listen to the conversation, which appears to be coming from the living room.

“You’ve got a girl upstairs; you have your sex face on!” the girl with the whiny voice giggles, making me want to go down and punch her.

“Yes, I have a girl upstairs, and no, we haven’t just had sex.” He replies bluntly, making her stop giggling.

“Can I meet her? Let me meet her! What’s her name?!” the girl shrieks, so I roll my eyes and walk back into the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind me.

Tonight is going to be one thing - shit.

(A/N: Okay guys, I know this chapter's really short and shit, but I needed a little gap filler, because Chapter Seven is gonna be HUGE and full of drama! So be prepared!)

OH, and please vote/comment if you liked it - it means a lot!! LOVE ya all xx

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