Chapter 3: Friends Hear Everything

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(And here we have the third chapter! And yes, I am playing the DLC right now. I am having so much fun! Nikol is my favorite, but I love A and Matthew's dynamic. Anyway, they won't be here which is tragic, but I am sure they'll appear one day. Enjoy!)

             "Goodness... That was rather unpleasant" Taion groaned as he stood up and held his aching head.

He adjusted his glasses to take in his surrounds as he sat on his knees. He tapped the side of his head to get a reading on his location but sighed when nothing came up.

"Very well. I shall have to take notes on it" he reasoned as he then stood up and searched the area around him.

It appeared to be a broken castle of sorts. Vegetation had clearly taken over and some monsters were also living here. Though, the monsters were keeping to themselves than with him. However, Taion felt a sense of familiarity with it.

"Why do I know this place?" he whispered to himself as he continued to walk forward.

He then spotted someone laying on the ground, unconscious. He ran to the person and gasped as he recognized her. It was Eunie! She was still wearing the black and green jacket with a hood. She had her black pants and shoes on with the belt being held by a black pin with a blue outline. He gently held her up and check to see if she was hurt. He checked her pulse and was relieved she was alive.

"Thank the Queen" he whispered in relief as he then looked at her peaceful, sleeping expression.

Her short brown hair was behind her face as her wings were still as pretty as he recalled. He leaned his face close to hers to make sure she was breathing. He felt her gently breathing, but she was soon laughing!

"Oi, this is rich! Never expected you to be a saucy person, Taion. So romantic" Eunie teased as she began to laugh at him!

Taion was utterly mortified. She was awake?! When?! Eunie then sat up, holding her stomach, laughing at his flustered expression. He knew he has to recover, or he will never hear the end of it from her.

"I-I was just concerned for your well-being, that's all." Taion said, his face still a little flustered and trying to hide it under his orange scarf.

"Oh, is that right? I'm hurt, Taion" Eunie replied, a teasing smirk on her face.

He shook his head as she looked around their location. She dusted herself off and stood up. She held a curious expression that Taion noticed.

"Do you know this place? I sense some familiarity with it, but I fail to recall where and when" Taion informed her as he stood up and tried to calm himself.

"Yes and no" Eunie answered unsure, "Though, I know for sure I have been here before. I know it. Well, c'mon. We won't solve anything if we stand around here and gawking at the place"

She marched forward with her hands behind her head as Taion smiled warmly before following her. They continued to walk through the ruins of the building and heard a couple of voices talking with each other.

"I know you came back here with Shulk, but why did you want to come back here?" a lady's voice asked curiously.

"I am aware, but something has bothered me about this since I left" another lady informed her, "I can't put my finger on it just yet, but I know something isn't right. Also, you felt that odd wave of energy. Something isn't right"

Taion and Eunie shared a surprised expression as they rushed towards the sounds of the voices and hid behind a broken pillar to see a pair of ladies talking each other and standing away.

One lady had short, orange hair and gray bright eyes. She has a red ribbon in her hair. She is wearing a white crop top with separate sleeves. She has a red skirt with orange belts and brown stockings with white boots. She has two scabbards holding two daggers.

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