A Puzzling Encounter

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During the full moon, with only little stars twinkling in the heavens, Apollo visited Artemis in her lush green fortress. Upon seeing him, the goddess of the hunt could see the forming lines of sorrow and disturbance on her brother's handsome face. Despite that, Artemis welcomed him—though finding it odd to receive such a sudden call.

As they greeted each other with warm salutations, Apollo was somehow diverting a thought that he could not immediately imply in words. Trying his best to be in jolly spirits, his keen sister could sense the agenda hidden behind those jovial smiles.

The two continued talking throughout the night until she finally asked him why he wanted to see her. But Apollo only paused, not uttering any words.

It took almost half a minute to find the courage he needed. The god of prophecy took a deep breath and said something that sounded what a fool would say, "Puppets in halo birthed and nurtured those branches. A tree of life, they said—but before the tree, there comes the little stem. Before the stem, there is the seed. The unmoved mover—the unknown—was the planter and the perfect master the whole time." He muttered.

Artemis did not say this to Athena, thinking that this was something unimportant that flashed in his head. Maybe he was drunk since she noticed the faint smell of sweet liquor on his breath.

"I think Apollo was only worried about some nymph that could never be his." She excused. "Anyways, how about Ares?"

Athena raised a brow, puzzled by the change of subject. "What about him?" She asked.

"Well—I know you do not like each other. I mean, most of us do not agree with his antics. But I just noticed that—uh—"

"Noticed what?"

"Noticed that he was staring at you like he was about to stab you."

"I guess we despised each other's presence. Nothing new." Athena replied in a monotone. Even hearing his name angered her so much that it made her recall those stupid decisions the god of war made that caused all destruction—not just in the mortal plains but also in Olympus.

Seeing the frown forming on Athena's once calm face, Artemis did not utter for a second—ensuring that no tempers would explode inside the tranquil room.

As Athena stared at the outside world, Artemis braced herself and once again spoke, "I just want you to be on guard, Athena. I am not saying that he is threatening you, but—I don't know—noticing that Eris and Enyo were not at the luncheon either."

"You noticed that also?"

"Indeed. Ares and those two were seen by Actaeon all alone, lurking in the gardens. I do not know what they intend, but my stag whispered that they seemed to be talking about something serious."

"Your stag is such a keeper." Athena teased, looking at her with a cheeky smile.

Artemis scrunched her face, having a sour taste at the joke. "Well, Actaeon is very observant and very much—uh, very much helpful."

The other goddess smiled at her and said, "I understand. Thank you for telling me about Ares and those two menaces. I will keep an eye." She firmly assured, partaking about her warnings.

"I know you can." Artemis smiled back. "By the way, speaking of Enyo and Eris—just two nights ago, many of my critters spotted them hiding under the shades of the trees. They told me that they seemed to be in a hurry."

"I also noticed their constant absence here in Olympus. Not to mention the salacious rumors spreading among the nymphs and satyrs."

"You mean Ares and Enyo's recent entanglement?" The goddess of the hunt and moon enquired.

Athena nodded and completely closed her mouth about it. As much as possible, she had no intention to tackle more in that report and only wanted to be left alone to drift in her thoughts and drowned in her responsibilities. The concept might sound selfish, but that is the only way for her not to add more stain to her name.

"Those three did live up to their titles—a walking trouble, for sure." Artemis exhaled.

As time passed, Helios decided to rest and let Selene sit on the sphere, gliding along with her twinkling stars. Artemis left and returned to her beloved forest. Athena, on the other hand, went back to her secret lair.

The long corridor was quiet—a space perfect for her to collect all her scattered thoughts. However, as she walked down the beautiful pathway, she saw Ares standing between the opening of the two pillars. It has been natural for the two of them to ignore each other. And that is how it should be when she crossed by him.

She walked down quietly—ignoring him and letting her mind wander to an abysmal thought of creativity.

As she walked past him, Ares turned around and called out to her, "Athena."

Athena stopped, turning her head slowly at him with an eyebrow raised.

Understanding the stupefaction on her face, the god of war did not respond. Their eyes met, almost sparking a silent debate. Silver versus the umber, throwing unspoken slander in between the dead air.

Feeling like it had been a while, Athena turned her back and continued walking.

"Stop! I am still talking to you." Ares sternly noted.

"This is quite a surprise. What do you want? You seem so engrossed with your soliloquizing?"

He painted a sly grin. "Such sharp tongue you have when you're irritated. Let us see when would that wise brain of yours last."

She turned her whole body around, fully facing him. Athena's silver eyes fiercely glared as if she were about to stab him like what happened in Troy. "And what do you imply?" She asked.

Ares only gave her the same cynical smirk before walking away from her.

Athena knew he was plotting some nuisance. By how he beamed, the goddess find it an unlikely gesture as they usually exchange jibes at each other.

"He is quite unusual today." She pointed out.

At last, on her own, Athena shoved off the encounter and contemplated again on the remaining work she needed to finish. She briskly walked to her chamber, looking like a beautiful specter, gliding on the marbled floor as if silky clouds trailed on her foot.

Once she arrived in her private space, Athena suspired and went towards her bed.

"I can feel this sweeping sorrow again." She said to herself. "I must conquer this. I am Athena—the goddess of wisdom and strategy. I am courageous and never once bent on my knees to sadness. I should not let these tears slip off the mask. Not a single word of my secret revealed."

The goddess then went to her dresser and stared at her reflection in the mirror. She displayed a placid expression, trying her best not to show emotions, especially when the feast was about to commence at the coming dawn.

"Tonight, I'd rather not say anything, tell anything, nor wanted to hear any more hearsays about me. I shall celebrate and be merry with the food." She directly stated, granting the rose gold light of the siesta hours to radiate through her, making her beauty shine like her ivory effigy that overlooked her devotees in a glorious stance. 

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