A Village Welcome

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"You—you do not look like a wandering traveler." Phoebus finally uttered after what seemed to be a long moment of solitude.

"Hm?" Athena faced him as she stood up. "What do you mean, my young man?" She wondered.

"Well—unlike the usual travelers we meet, like those who were with father whenever he is on trade, they all look scorched from the sun. You look like something out of mother's bedtime tales." He reasoned, tilting his head while he studied her.

Helena was pleased, giving their new acquaintance a wide smile as she ran towards her. Once she caught her, she asked, "Are you not a nymph?"

Athena giggled. "No, sweetheart. I am just a mere woman. My name is Athena. What are your names?"

"My name is Phoebus, and this is my sister, Helena." Though still bashful by her presence, Phoebus stepped forward and introduced.

"What lovely names you have." Athena smiled, causing a running blush on the little boy's face and a shine in the little girl's eyes. "I believe this lovely creature is your beast?" She then inquired as she looked at Titan.

"Yes." Little Helena answered. "This is Titan."

"I see—Well, Titan here is a very good boy. Along with the sparrows, he helped me clean this forsaken garden." Athena pointed at the paradise they stood in.

The children were amazed—wide eyes as they gazed upon the breathtaking garden they only heard from former servants of the megaron.

"I never knew this garden was that lovely." Phoebus turned around and told Athena, "I remember that someone from Father's circle shared that this garden was a beauty."

"Moments ago, this place was destitute, barren, and only had the gloomiest colors. But with the help of the sparrows and Titan, we managed to bring back what we thought was close to its former glory."

Phoebus suddenly arched a brow as he went closer to her. He looked at the lady from head to foot, trying to understand her very existence and the ray of golden glow that seemed to envelop her. "Are you sure you are not a nymph?"

"Or a princess?" Helena added while hugging Titan.

"No, my sweets. If I were one, I could have made these trees bear fruit this instant or call upon the air to float some fish to live in the pond. With dismay, I am just an ordinary girl who wanders around, trying to find her way to somewhere."

"You mean you do not have a home?" Helena pouted, implying her sadness for her.

"No, I do not have a home for now. But never fret—I will do my best to find a shelter before nightfall. If I don't, I will have solitude bliss amongst the trees that I might stumble." She beamed assuredly, not wanting to burden the little ones as her situation was never their concern in the first place.

However, such kindness was largely blossoming in their little hearts. By grace and perhaps an upbringing with principles, Phoebus and Helena offered to share their dwelling with their new friend. They even told her that she could sleep in their shared room.

"A—are you sure about it?" Athena was a little bit troubled. "You do know it is not good for little children like you to take strangers into your home." She reminded with a hint of authority in her tone.

Phoebus nodded. "I understand, pretty lady. But you are not a stranger."

"You are our friend!" Helena squealed in pure joy. "You do not feel like a stranger. I know you are not a horrible person because you never shooed away Titan."

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