5. Work Trip (Part 2)

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The group of men started their journey at precisely 2 pm, because Phone Guy was crazy about being exactly on schedule. He would freak out if they had set off even a minute after or before 2 o'clock.

On the way there, the minibus was quite chaotic.

Dave was pointing out anything and everything that piqued his interest while he was looking out of the window, and loudly stating random stuff like:

"That tree has eyes!"

"Sportsy, look! There's some roadkill there!"

"That house is broken."

"Let's chuck Matt down that well over there!"

"I once climbed up a windmill and rode the wings."

And the likes. It went on for about half of the drive, until Ronaldo leaned over the chairs and put duct tape over the purple man's mouth, just to keep him quiet. (Don't question where he got said duct tape.) For the rest of the journey, Dave sat grumpily with his arms crossed, very annoyed.

Matt was just staring out of the windscreen, with that creepy, virgin smile, forever unchanging. He was probably regretting coming along and not just escaping when he the chance. Mostly because he will not get any action out of Las Vegas, specifically the ladies.

Ronaldo and Jimbo were having a nice conversation about the different ways everyone in the vehicle annoyed them. The main topic of their chat was Dave, because Dave annoys everyone.

Before Dave got his mouth taped up, him and Jack were planning the things they would do whilst in Vegas. Some of the things their plans included were:

-Banging hookers
-Getting drunk
-Robbing casinos
-Banging each other
-Doing drugs
-Spending most of the trip away from the others
-Go to the Strip

And many more that I can't be bothered to list.

About halfway through the drive, Phone Guy pulls into a gas station and gets out the minibus.

"Alright, gang! If anyone needs the loo or anything, now's the time to go! And if you wanna buy any snacks, go ahead." He says.

Most of the employees get out of the vehicle, Dave and Jack being the first ones to sprint into the store in search of alcohol and/or cigarettes and/or weaponry.

Ronaldo goes in after the fruit-colored men, browsing through the small isles for anything he could potentially use to cook a pizza.

Jimbo enters behind Ronaldo. He searches for a spray bottle he can fill with water, to spray Dave with.

Matt and Phone Guy stay by the minibus, refilling the engine as they wait for the other men to get back.

Meanwhile, with Dave and Jack.

Dave has found one of those T-Rex head grabbers, and Jack is scrounging around his wallet for some money.
"Ah, sorry Dave, I don't have enough." Jack says, sighing. Dave smirks and looks at Jack with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"No worries, Old Sport! We can steal it! I could just take off this tag and we'd be fine!" Dave grins, awaiting Jack's reaction.

Jack sighs, shaking his head slightly. "Fine, but you're taking the blame if we get caught, Dave." He says, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.

Dave shrugs. "Fine by me, Sportsy!"

Jack puts his empty wallet back in his pocket as Dave rips the plastic tag off of the dinosaur toy with his teeth, spitting it on the ground. "Gross." Jack says, sighing. "Let's just grab some beer and get outta here." The orange man walks over to the fridges that have the beer in, looks around to check if any security cameras are nearby (which there isn't) or employees of the store, and once he decides it's safe, he takes a few cans of beer from the fridge and puts them in a plastic bag he got outside of the store.

"C'mon, Sport, let's go!" Dave says, grabbing Jack by the arm and trying to drag him out of the store. Jack has no choice but to oblige, and follows Dave back to the minibus.

A short while later, all of the men are back inside the minibus.

"Okay, employees! Are we all ready to set off again?" Phone Guy asks after plugging in his seat belt. The responses from the workers are all just "Mhm," or nods.
"Great! Let's get going!" Phone Guy says, starting the engine then driving down the road.

Dave still has the dino-grabber, and he looks over at Jack with a playful grin. "Hey Sportsy, wanna torment Phoney with this?" He whispers.

Jack grins back, his tooth gap showing. "Yeah." He says.

For the rest of the drive, it was mostly Dave and Jack torturing Phone Guy and their coworkers with the stolen toy.

Finally, after what seemed like years, the minibus arrives outside of their motel, in Vegas.

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