2 | ⏳ The City ⌛️

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Zoro folded his arms as he got off the boat, looking up to the large sand city. The streets were bustling with people and locals, they talked and laughed as they walked in and out of different sand buildings. It seemed so...happy? The sun was shining brightly, lighting up the golden ground and sparkling onto the nearby rivers.

"Zoro? You've been staring for a long time now, are you ok?" Chopper asked, looking up to Zoro as they walked onto the sand. Zoro felt it in his shoes, the feel of soft rocks hitting his bare skin.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine Chopper. Go catch up with the others or they will leave you," Zoro said, chopper looked around confused and noticed that the others were miles in front of them. He panicked and started running after them. Zoro sighed and looked up to the sun that attacked his tan skin.

This place seriously reminds me of Alabasta, I wonder if they have a corrupt government as well...

As Zoro stood blankly looking into the sun, he suddenly felt something cold and wet touch his back. He turned around and saw a girl terrifyingly looking back at him with an empty cone in her hand. Her father stood behind her, looking angry.

"Maria! Say sorry to that poor man right this second!" The father said to the little girl, kneeling down to her level.

"I-I'm sorry Sir! I'm really sorry, please don't hurt me or my father!" She shouted, bowing her head in fear. 

"We're so sorry Sir, she wasn't looking where she was going, just please don't take my child from me, please!" Her father followed up, bowing his own head as well. Zoro confusedly looked down at them as he wiped the ice cream off his back.

"Why would I do such a thing?" Zoro asked the father and the girl, letting them slowly look back up with the confusion.

"B-because your with the Empire, are you not?" The man still looked scared, but Zoro helped him up and smiled at him the best he could.

"Could you tell me what this 'Empire' is, sir?" Zoro asked.

"You...don't know the Empire?" The man asked, fear in his eyes as he mentioned the name.

"No, I'm not a local, but I'm very interested in this 'Empire' and why they would possibly try to hurt you," Zoro said.

"Y-you shouldn't be here, their shutting off all the borders to this island so no one can save us, please leave, for your own safety!" The man said, grabbing Zoro's hand and shaking aggressively.

"Sir, please calm down, I'm a pirate, and I can save you," Zoro said, but the man seemed angry.

"No! The prince will save us, he just needs to awake!" The man said, pulling his daughter close to his leg.

Hmph, so they believe a stupid myth will save them for their shit government?

"Sir, may I know who this prince is?" Zoro asked as kindly as he could.

"He's our saviour! He's the only one we need, he can grant 3 wishes, just like a genie! We just need to wait patiently for him to awake from his sleep," The man said.

"Look, the is no 'sleeping prince', you're all in danger, and my crew can help you." Zoro said, breaking the truth.

"No! How could you? The prince is kind, and ready to fight for us no matter what situation!" He said as Zoro sighed.

"Alright then, tell me where this 'prince' is." Zoro said, folding his arms and waiting for an answer.

"South-west of the castle, he sleeps in the pyramid of smoke!" The man said, Zoro sighed once more as the man pointed him in the direction of a large pyramid.

Fine, I'll get the crew to come with me to find this 'sleeping prince', and then we'll show them that it's just a stupid myth.

Zoro grinned, he was going to show these idiots the power of the Strawhat crew...

To be continued...

⏳💛The Prince Of Sands💛⌛️| ZosanWhere stories live. Discover now