10 | ⏳ City of Sand⌛️

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Where the hell am I?

Zoro looked around the empty temple, his eyes gazing upon the ancient tapestries that were strung on the walls. He was lost. He had tried to make it to the castle but got lost on the way there, ending up miles away from the city and instead in a sandy temple.

Shelves of book were scattered around chaotically, and artefacts were laid out on different stands. Zoro looked around, feeling over some of the sandy surfaces.


"Ow! What the hell?!" Zoro held the top of his head in pain before picking up the book that had landed on his head. He dusted off the cover and gazed upon the gold letters. 

The History Of Genies

Zoro opened the first page and started to read the information that was displayed neatly in an old looking font. 

Genies are mystical creatures, they have the ability to grant a master three wishes before dying. Their master is determined of who awakens them by touching the lamp the genie bares, once the master gives their three wishes, the genie will lose consciousness and slowly die. If the wishes are not made in the span of 7 days, the genie will also die. A general thing that a master does, is have a child with the genie. If the master is male, the genie regardless of gender will have a uterus, but still have male reproductive organs. It is the same either way. Once the baby is produced, it can turn into either a genie or a human. Some corrupt governments have taken advantage of the genie population by breeding them and using them for their wishes, this made most genies flee to less populated islands.

Zoro sighed and closed the book.

So he's gunna die in two days?

Zoro threw the book on the ground and made his way out of the temple, it was night, the only thing that made light were small stars that were sprinkled along the darknes and the castle at the top of the sandy town.

"I can't believe the crew got lost, again!" Zoro said before jumping on his horse and riding back into the city (with a bit of a difficulty).


Zoro arrived at the stairs of the castle before slashing the doors with his swords. The doors crashed down and Zoro stepped inside of the dark castle. He grabbed a stick of the ground and stuck it with his blade so hard that it made a small fire. Zoro blew on the spark to make it bigger, as he did, he met eyes with his crew members that were caged inside steel bars.


"ZORO! THANK GOD YOUR NOT DEAD YET!" Luffy shouted back at him.

"Hurry up and free us you idiot!" Nami shouted, banging on the bars.

"Yes, yes, I will," Zoro said before walking over and unsheathing his sword.

"Now now Zoro, if you do that then your little friend will die,"

Zoro whipped his head around and gazed upon the tall and muscular man that stood before him.

"What the..? Who are you!" Zoro shouted at him.

"Me? My name is Overkill, leader of this sad and pathetic island."

"So your the one who's making everyone's lives miserable!"


Overkill snapped his fingers and light suddenly beamed down into the castle.

"How about we have some light so I can watch as you scream and cry in pain,"

Zoro clenched his teeth.

"Don't you dare hurt me or my friends!" Zoro said.

"Hm...Haha! I can't promise I won't, Zoro." 

Zoro wanted to launch at 'Overkill', but he knew there would be painful consequences.

"I'll kill you, bastard!" Zoro shouted

"But if you do, I wonder what will happen to your genie friend, or should I say... The Prince?"

To be continued...

⏳💛The Prince Of Sands💛⌛️| ZosanWhere stories live. Discover now