Colors Soulmate AU (Part 3)

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Hugo has seemed a bit distant the last few days. Louis and I hadn't made any progress in figuring out what was bugging him. Now in transfiguration, Lily was trying to write her essay. 

"Hey!" I said as Hugo knocked over my bottle of ink. It splattered all over my left hand and parchment. I struggled, trying to wipe off the ink. 

"Whoever your soulmate is is gonna love that," Hugo said pointing at the smears on my hand.

"Very funny Hu," I said. Hugo was gaping at something.

"What's wrong?" I asked nudging Hugo.

"Look," he whispered. He pointed at the Scamander twins a little ways away. Lysander was rubbing at his arm and showing something to his twin. Hugo was now whispering to Louis who then stifled a laugh. 

I quickly got up and scrambled from the room. I didn't stop till I was in the bathroom scrubbing my arm off in the sink.

Lysander couldn't be my soulmate! I'd met him and Lorcan in my first year at Hogwarts, and I'd seen color since I was little. But the odds of the ink... 

No! Plenty of people spill ink! But then I thought of Lysander's ever-present notebook. He'd never shown any of us (except maybe Lorcan) what was inside. I thought back to the detailed drawing from the other night.

Why did this whole thing have to be so confusing?


It was the middle of the night and I sat on my bed, curtains drawn with a quill in hand.  

I think I know who you are.

I hadn't thought Albus was awake, so I was surprised when I got a response. 

Really? Who do you think I am?

Do I tell him? I mean I can't say who I am...

Albus Potter.  I wrote.

Unbelievable! I wish you could say who you were.

I didn't say anything to that.

We should arrange to meet up sometime.

 I couldn't though. He wouldn't like me. He was my best friend!

You have to go to Hogwarts though! That's when I started seeing color.

I just can't. I ran my hand across my arm causing the ink to smear into a streak.


What was up with that? I stared blankly at the smear of ink where there had been words just a moment earlier. I hastily wrote beneath the smear.

Are you okay?

There wasn't a reply.

Time skip to the Christmas Holidays


"I hereby call this meeting of 'the younger siblings society' to order!" I said banging my wooden judge's gavel on the table. Me and the rest of my cousins were at the burrow for the holidays. Hugo, Louis, and I had taken the opportunity to hold a very important meeting.

"What random junk are we discussing this time?" Hugo asked.

"How my brother is denser than a brick wall," I said.

"Which one?" Louis asked.

"Well both but specifically Albus," I said.

"We all know this, makes me almost feel bad for my sister," Hugo said.

"We need a plan becuase Scopius isn't gonna do anything," I said.

"Pretty sure Dom and Molly beat you to that," Louis said.

"What's their plan?" I asked eagerly.

"Dunno something about popcorn and mistletoe,"

"Meeting adjourned!" I said, dropping my gavel. I sprinted off to find Dom and Molly.


"Dom!" I yelled once I found her and Molly downstairs.

"Gees, where's the fire Lils?" Dom asked.

"Very funny. Louis said you had a solution for Al's oblivion problem."

Dom and Molly shared a look.

"Well?" I asked.

Evidently, they had decided to tell me as Dom looked around briefly before whispering,

"We call it operation Scorbus."

"How does it work?" 

This time Molly answered. 

"Trick them with mistletoe over the entry way to the great hall-"

"and eat popcorn while we watch!" Dom finished.

"How will you make sure no one else gets caught under it?" I asked.

"Magic, duh," Dom said.

"Can me and the others join you?" I asked.

"Others meaning?" Molly asked.

"Hugo, Louis, Lorcan, and Lysander."

Dom whispered something to Molly.

"That's fine," Molly said.

"We might have another couple to set up too," Dom added. 

"Should  I be worried?" I asked.

"Naw," Molly said. I started to walk away.

"But Hugo should," Dom said as I started up the stairs.

Is anyone actually reading this????? 


Ok, I'll stop now.


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