Dominique's Plan.

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I have a plan. It's sure to work. I already have Molly in on it, and Louis practically begged me to let him help because he was tired of putting up with his friend group's messed-up love issues.

This is gonna be great!


"So why are we here?" I asked. Dominique had called all of the cousins for a meeting. For no apparent reason. 

"I'm about to tell you. Molly and I have designed a competition for... fun," Dominique said.

"Fun for you, torture for the rest of us," Hugo grumbled.

"Shut up, Hugo. It's gonna be great! Molly and I are going to be the judges, Lucy is the referee, Louis is the host, and Freddy and Roxy are filming it," Dominique continued.

"When are we doing this?" Lily asked excitedly.

"Next month when a bunch of our friends are coming over for the picnic at my house," Dom said.

"It's going to be a sand castle competition because it's at a beach. No magic allowed. Multiple rounds with built-in challenges."

"Nobody gets out because we want you all to get to do all the fun rounds!" Molly added.

"You mean you don't want anyone to get out of torture right?" Hugo said.

"I am offended!" Dominique said.

I couldn't help but agree with Hugo this whole thing seemed to spell nothing but trouble.

"We have assigned teams of two," Molly said.

"Rose, you'll be dismissed from your job," Dominique said.

Rose nodded solemnly. I had no idea what this job was. Why would Rose ever do a job for Dominique?

"Teams will be as follows:

Teddy & Victoire

James & Alice

Rose & Frank

Scorpius & Albus

Lily & Lysander and 

Lorcan & Hugo," Molly said, as she read off of a list. 

"See! It can't be that bad, they put us all with our friends!" Lily said, turning to Hugo who was still looking at Dom and Molly suspiciously.

-Time skip to the day of the competition-


"Come on Hu! It can't be so bad," Lily pleaded.

"Maybe I'd be more willing to go through with this if this dolt would tell us what's planned," I said jerking a thumb at Louis.

"I already told you!" he said. "I'm sworn to secrecy, and I don't even know all they have planned! I'm just the host." 

"Hmph," I said.

"Merlin, Hugo! We haven't seen Lorcan and Lysander in weeks! It'll be fun," Lily said. 

"Last time I looked up the definition of fun, it didn't have torture in it," I said stubbornly.

"Dom and Molly are just trying to do something nice, and you're just too stubborn to see it," Lily grumbled.

"Dom and Molly love to tease. And their favorite targets are the three of us and Al," I said.

"Now three guess as to why that is?"

 Lily's face turned pink. We all knew why this was. Dom teased Louis because he was her little brother, but the rest of us... 

The truth was Dominique was a relentless shipper. This wasn't the first time she'd tried to set up her ships on the sly.

"It's not gonna be like that this time!" Lily said.

"Sure," I said rolling my eyes. "Why don't we ask Louis? I'm sure he knows."

Louis mimed locking his lips and throwing away the key.

"Sorry," he said.

 SO. No ships yet... 

Sorry, but this part is mostly set up. In my opinion, Dom and Hugo are both so sarcastic and stubborn that they'll always be interrupting each other like this. XD Hope you enjoyed!


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