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Akaza was in the forest training when he suddenly gets teleported  in the infinity castle for a meeting  akaza was looking around to see if anyone else was present there or not but only sees the biwa womansitting on her usual place she was a beta

"akaza dono~ you are here I was so worried bout you I thought you died!" a certain rainbow eyed alpha demon sayed hugging akaza

Akaza started to feel uncomfortable with an alpha so close to him and punches his head off

"don't touch me you bastard or I will kill you stupid douma! Akaza yells out angrily

"aww is it me or you got stronger akaza dono" douma says in a teasing voice  as he regenerate his head

The biwa woman strikes her biwa as the other upper moons gets teleported as well

"oh  douma dono how you have been? It's been 2 years since we meet!" gyokko says while coming out of his pot who was also a beta

"oh hey gyokko you have a nice pot there I see I still have the pot you gave me I have planted a woman's head in it" douma says sounding cheerful

"o-oh akaza dono I didn't notice you are here to am sorry" gyokko says looking down

"whatever it's not like I care" akaza speak sternly looking at the floor

Douma puts his hand around akaza again but akaza punches his jaw angrily but douma regenerates his head as usal but Akaza's hand falls on the floor every one present stares into shock

"akaza  you always go to far" a deep voice says from Akaza's behind

Everyone turned around to see the strongest upper moon kokushibo was standing in front of them they quickly bows down in respect to the strongest alpha among them

"I will kill you! One day"akaza states angrily

they hears another biwa strike the demon king was in front of them every one bows to the demon king who was also an alpha

"well did you any one off you found the blue spider Lilly flower?" muzan says looking at the demons

"muzan sama my sister heard from a demon slayer that they grows in sunlight only.." Gyutaro says as daki nods Gyutaro was a alpha as well as daki

"use less information you want me to believe that?" muzan yells angrily

Akaza was not paying attention he suddenly started to feel uncomfortably hot and  started to wimpers and whine quietly rubbing his thighs together panting

"akaza you alright? Why you are panting?" kokushibo whispers

Akaza falls on the floor not caring about if anyone was watching and his heat smell started to release from his body everone in the meeting looks at him the smell of strawberry was getting more and more stronger the alphas started to growl in lust where visible in their eyes but they were all confused

"akaza dono you smell like an omega" douma says as he smells Akaza's scent gland who was on the floor panting

Everyone'szzzzzz@zzzzzzzzzz@zzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz                                                                                                             eyes widened as they realized that the upper moons 3 was an omega

"everyone close your nose his scent is getting stronger!" muzan orders everyone before he picked up akaza in a bridal style

Everyone covers there nose trying not to inhale the scent of the heat that was coming out of the omega

"nakemi telleport me to my room now!" muzan yells holding a panting akaza in his arms as they heard the biwa strike and they were teleported in Muzan's room.

"it's gonna be okay akaza trust me OK?"  muzan says as he laid akaza on his bed

"i-it hurt so much.." akaza says whimpering

Muzan gets closer to the young omega and gives him an injection shot calming down akaza

"Akaza I want to know what you really are?" muzan says sitting beside akaza

Akaza quickly shifts away from muzan whimpering as tears falls down his eyes

"o-omega muzan sama a-am an omega" akaza says worriedly nibbling with the bed sheets

Muzan was shocked to hear that his favorite upper moon was actually a male omega everyone always thought he was an alpha include muzan himself

"hmm so why did you not tell me that before? Muzan says grabbing Akaza's jaw before turning his head towards him

"i-I tried but I got scared muzan sama p-please am sorry...." akaza says as he started to give out distressed scent out of his body tears forming down his face

Muzan quickly let's go of Akaza's jaw and covers his nose Akaza's smell was very strong since he was an male omega

"hmm I see... Akaza I think  you are forgiven for this time" muzan says before getting up and walks towards his table and picks up a liquid

"here drink this it will help you in your heat cycle" muzan says looking at the omega

Akaza with a shaky hand picks up the liquid and drinks it

"thanks m-muzan s-sama" akaza says sitting up

Muzan contacts  with nakime and tells her to teleport akaza in his room and akaza gets teleported in his room and he lays down on his bed closing his eyes

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