what's in the box?

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I didn't write anything  it's  a joke so skip this

What are you doing here I said  there is nothing to read don't waste time!

Still here?  Ugh you are unbelievable go away nothing to read OK!

Go read some other story  this  part has nothing you are going to be disappointed

Why you are scrolling down still you have nothing else to do?

Leave there is nothing at the bottom

If  You reached This far I can tell you all have trust issues Because you didn't leave when I told you to leave

At night Akaza was taken to kagaya and the whole situation was explained and kagaya agreed on letting akaza stay

Akaza was given a spare room but he didn't want to stay there alone and

uzui ended up  lecturing him for a whole 3 hours while Sanemi was counting for some reason until

A boy with black and green check harori with a wooden box came  in the room with a smile

"who's that?" akaza asked pointing at the wooden box

"AN UPPER MOON?" tanjiro yells before taking out his sword who was an alpha

"chill he is harmless" uzui says while tanjiro glares at akaza

But akaza being akaza sticks his middle finger at tanjiro without anyone seeing it unfortunately sanemi did and laughed a bit

"how can you guys keep him here? He is a upper moon! Who's killed many innocent people!...and he is here with you guys alive But you all tried to kill my sister even though she didn't kill anyone!" tanjiro yells angrily as he ran to attack him but akaza dozes him easily and rolls eyes annoyed

"But we didn't kill her didn't we so be lucky she's fine because if I get mad I won't spare you or your sister's life" Sanemi's  words were filled with venom and anger

Tanjiro looks down realizing how he acted and immediately apologized but panicked noticing that the box was not on his back anymore but notices that akaza was holding the box curiously

"GIVE ME BACK MY SISTER!" tanjiro yells before running towards akaza but akaza had already opened the box door and nezuko was sitting there with a bamboo muzzle

"oh my God you bitch you put a muzzle on her how dare you poor baby!" akaza says worriedly before taking out nezuko who was a beta and hugging her and patting her hair

And tanjiroch was on full panic mode thinking that the upper moon is gonna kill his nezuko but after sniffing the scent he clams down knowing akaza was a omega

"what's your name? My name is akaza! Don't worry I won't hurt you I  don't hit women or girls!" akaza says smiling

"mm.. MnMnNmn?" nezuko says

...."why do-akaza removes the muzzle realizing her words are being muffled
"now what is your name?" akaza asked again

"nezuko!  My name is nezuko kamado!" nezuko says smiling  widely showing her fangs making akaza gasp

"YOU ARE A DEMON TOO?" akaza says excitedly almost jumping while nezuko nods

Then akaza stroms towards tanjiro and glares at him "why you put here  in box?  You are such a bad brother!

Tanjiro panics and explained the reason but did anyone listened?  No cuz akaza was busy chatting with his new demon friend nezuko and nezuko was also happy too that made tanjiro smile seeing his sibling smile

"I have bigger fangs than you hah!" akaza says sassing while showing his fangs

...after seeing him say this sanemi facepalmed himself

"how he is an uppermoon?...do they all act like this?" uzui wispers to Sanemi

"da fuck why you are asking me?" sanemi yells pointing at Uzui's nose

Everything was fine

Until a crow  came and landed on top of Akaza's  head while  he  was styling (messing up) nezuko's hair

Finally I made a chapter!

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