teleported in a unknown place

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Akaza was begging muzan not to kill him when he heard the biwa strike and he gets randomly teleported infornt of a big mansion (butterfly mansion 🦋) akaza was standing in front of of the mansion confused but looking at it's beauty he was soon releasing happy and clam scent

'how beautiful is this mansion' akaza thinks while roaming around until he felt someone's arm on his shoulder

"who are you?  And what you are doing here?" a male voice said sounding serious he was giving out an angry and confused scent clearly was an alpha

Akaza turned around and sees a muscular man with 2 swords wrapped in bandages glaring at him (it's daddy Uzui....that's so cringy) 

"u-um i-i was just looking at the  mansion" akaza says worriedly looking up at the tall male

"you are an UPPER MOON?" the tall male yells backing away

Akaza nods slowly looking down he was releasing his  omega  scent

"yes I was but I will no longer  be an upper rank now I will lose my position as an upper rank I can no longer be an demon since omegas cannot be a demon so I don't care if you kill me and looking at you I can say you are an alpha but don't think I will not fight back" akaza says looking at him

"wait you are an omega?  That's so unusual I never seen a male omega before and my name is uzui.. Uzui Tengen am the flashiest hashira ever am the sound hashira" the tall male says

"my name is akaza as you can see am an ex upper moon 3 and it's nice to meet you to I guess..."akaza says before he started walking away from the mansion

"ara~ara~ who is that uzui San? I heard someone talking so I came to check out" a short lady comes out of the mansion

Uzui and akaza turns around as the short lady's eyes becomes marble (it's your favorite mosq-i Mean insect hashira kocho shinobou) when she sees the upper moons 3 standing in front of of her

"Uzui San that's a demon! Kill him!" the short lady screams

"relax shinobou he doesn't mean any harm he is an omega.. And he can't be an upper rank now since omegas cannot be a demon" Uzui says looking at shinobou the mosq-

Shinobou looks at akaza in shock.. Did I mention that she is an omega too?... And walks towards him akaza simply bends down a little and gives her a smile showing his milk white fangs and teeth his honey colored were sparking in moon light... What you all thought all this happened in sunlight?  Haha!

"hello my name is akaza... And you are.. You smell like an omega sorry if I sound rude my lady" akaza says bowing slightly giving respect to the woman infornt

"my name is kocho shinobou am the insect pillar and can I know how you ended up here?" shinobou asked akaza looks up at him

"well I got telleported by biwa woman when muzan sama was about to turn me into a human again"akaza says looking unbothred

"but what were you doing looking around the mansion akaza?" uzui asked akaza looking into his eyes

"um I was just looking around because I need somewhere to stay since I can't go back to the infinity castle" Akaza says truthfully

The two hashiras looks at each others eyes and then looks at akaza and nods in agreement

"hm since you can't be a demon anymore then maybe you can stay here muzan will turn you into a human anytime I think" Uzui speaks while tapping his flamboyant jaw

Akaza's eyes widened as he heard that he was quite happy to hear that the enemies are carrying towards him unlike the  upper moons

"I think we should take him inside shinobou he is very flamboyant omega" uzui says holding Akaza's arm as he dragged him inside the butterfly mansion

Akaza was shocked at this point but didn't say anything only followed  them curious about what is like inside
Of the mansion

"you can stay here for a while and don't you dare try to harm any of my sisters akaza!" shinobou says looking into Akaza's soul

"oh don't worry my lady I don't harm or eat any womans or girls I respect them " akaza says in a proud voice

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