hashiras reacts

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"THATS A DEMON" sanemi yells jumping up

Akaza quickly hides behind Uzui getting scared of the hothead alpha

"relax he is harmless" shinobou says trying to clam them down

"we don't want a demon here" rengoku says sounding not happy he was a alpha

Akaza was trembling as his  omega scent started to release sad and scared pheromones

"eh! His an omega?  How pathetic he is?  Iguro said pointing at him from above the tree he always stays he was a beta

"a-a male omega I never saw one before" mitsuri says looking at him strangely she was a  beta

"what kind of demon is he?" giyuu asked was a alpha too

"he is a upper moon but muzan  is going to turn him into a human and maybe kill him since omegas are not allowed to be a demon" Shinobou says

"let's take him to master kagaya" rengoku offers

Uzui looks at akaza before speaking

" we are going to take you to our master be good OK?" Uzui says looking at the short muzzled demon

"mm mm" akaza replied nodding

The hashiras takes akaza to their  master kagaya who was not in a good state he was lying on the bed his upper portion of his head was purple (purple guy) akaza was shocked to see this and got a blurry picture of a sick man and then a young girl and then they fades away akaza points at kagaya before looking at shinobou for the answer

"that's our master kagaya" shinobou replied

Akaza bows down and sits beside him all the other hashiras takes out there  nuchirin swords ready to attack him but gets stopped by uzui and shinobou

"w-what *cough* "y-you *spits out blood*kagaya was a alpha too

Before kagaya could spit out the blood akaza quick grabs a bowl from behind and hands it to him everone was shocked to see this demon knows how to take care of sick people akaza gently tugs kagaya  back to the bed and places a wet cloth on his forehead before going back to uzui and standing beside him

"how did he know how to take care of of someone sick.. And he is an upper 3 too?! Obanai says looking confused

"maybe it's a skill of him to impress Master" shinagawa says

"maybe it's related to his past?" shinobou protests

"I don't think so I bet he became demon on purpose but look at him now he will lose his rank soon because he is a Omega" obanai says mocking him

"you should not make fun of someone's gender" shinobou says getting mad

"master kagaya can we keep him we can get lots of information for him" uzui says while akaza was trying to pull off his muzzle

"akaza don't do that keep the muzzle" shinobou says as akaza stopped completely before nodding

"let's test him like we did to that demon girl nezuko" Sanemi said

Kagaya nods in permission as Uzui gives akaza a thumbs up before telling akaza to follow sanemi while following Sanemi to a different room akaza was trying to sniff shinagawa's smell since it has a smell of red roses and akaza liked it once they entered the room shinagawa orders akaza to sit on the floor which akaza did with no doubt

"now lets see if you can control against my Intoxicant Blood One small sniff can make demons go crazy" sanemi says before slicing his wirst smirking holding it up against akaza

Now a question for you all
Will akaza be able to resist
The wind hashira's rare
Intoxicant Blood
Like nezuko did or he will lose control over him and attack him?

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