guys I need your opinion

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Guys my mom is forcing me to date a guy who is FUCKING 5 years older than me  just because he is rich and has a family business I told that fucker

I don't like him and he's all like I WilL dIe if YoU aRe nOt mine I will not eat anything like fuck off dude

and the worst part is my mom has been sending pictures of me to that son of a bitch and even given my phone number to him can you imagine that?  How can I love someone when I never saw the motherfucker

and I already told him that am a fucking aroace and he be like I can change that like fuck you man

That mother fucker is 22 and am 17....should I listen to my mom because she is saying he is a nice guy?

okay well I need new ideas for new chapters my peasized brain is lagging ideas

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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