another male omega

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Preview : "Mr akaza you have put saliva on Conner of your eyes and I can smell it and it's not tears and you are not sad"tanjiro says while akaza gasps

"fine fine" akaza said before pouting

"how did you know that I was faking it?" akaza asked crossing his arms

Seeing that tanjiro sighs before replying

"I have advanced smelling ability I can smell things like emotions stuff anything" tanjiro said while puffing out his chest with pride

"so you are like a dog?" akaza asked

"eh um you can say my nose is like dogs" tanjiro says uncomfortabley

"monjiro is a dog!" inosuke says gasping

They were all talking about different stuff and mostly  rumbling of inosuke and akaza about  their fights  but when  All of sudden Tanjiro sniffs the air and looks at inosuke

"your smell is quite different than alphas or betas inosuke do you know why?" he asked inosuke which made the others look at his direction

"what you mean by it? Sanemi asked confused

"different smell.. Like what?" Uzui asked

"what you all are talking about" akaza and inosuke asked together

"he smells kind of like omega but it's too faint to notice... Not like Akaza's his is too raw and it hits my nose every time so I was wondering if inosuke is a om-

"what you are talking about? Monjiro inosuke asked sitting up from laying

"so is inosuke also like Akaza? " sanemi  asked confused

"he an omega?  tanjiro is your nose okay?  No way he can be a omega  they are gentle and don't go around challenging people and demons to fight" zenitsu asked tanjiro while  cuddling a sleeping nezuko

"who told you that omegas are gentle?  Because am not and I also  like fighting with demons and strong mens" akaza replied annoyed by zenitsu

"what's a omga? Why everyone is talking about it?" inosuke asked looking confused

Hearing the question they looked at him and slowly sighs

"no need to worry about it you are a special thing like that pinky over there" Sanemi says looking a way to explain

"special?" inosuke's eyes sparkled hearing it

"um yeah you are special like me because you are um well... Akaza sniffs inosuke's neck before his eyes widened smelling another male omega

Inosuke was glaring at akaza who was smelling his neck  trying to find what he is when he suddenly realise his sent in the air it was same as akaza's  but little lighter than him making everyone's  eyes widened in surprise

"another male omega?  I thought AKaza is the only one I guess not" uzui said while looking at inosuke who appeared to be confused

"I am quite surprised too" sanemi replied

"even my nose couldn't understand it sooner I always thought its... Oh it's because he never showers so  that's why his omega smell is so  faint  because his real body  stinks" tanjiro said out of blue shaking his head

" it's  not true!  I showerd!" inosuke yells stomping

"and how long it was ago oMeGa?" zenitsu asked rolling his eyes

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