salami and IgAyRo

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akaza sniffs Sanemi's intoxicant blood and lowers his muzzle a smirk appears on Sanemi's face as akaza puts a finger on His cut and takes a drop of blood and decides to taste it and he regrets immediately

"bleh it's so weird the demons have no choice your blood is so bitter how can someone like this?"

Akaza yells pointing at Sanemi while gagging infornt of him and coughing and cursing out Sanemi's weird intoxicant blood while the white haired alpha just looked at him strangely not until akaza vomits up his guts near his feet causing Sanemi's feet causing the poor guy to jump away

"ew what the fuck you fucking demon you just vomited on the floor and excuse me you are the one having bad taste omega because they love my intoxicant blood" Sanemi says looking hella proud of himself only to see akaza fake a gag making Sanemi's blood boil

"shut up stupid human alpha even though I am a omega demon I am stronger than you"! Akaza yells pointing at Sanemi while Sanemi rolls his eyes

They where still arguing like dumb kids while the other hashiras where watching from outside looking like what the hell is going on

"what you are doing?" Sanemi yells as he sees akaza cleaning up the floor

" um this is call cleaning don't you know that? I may be a demon but I know how to clean up" akaza says throwing away the piece of cloth which appears to be Sanemi's extra hashira uniform's pants and then he takes a cloth and puts it on Sanemi's wounds and ties to before Sanemi could react

The hashiras who where watching from outside where shocked to see that a demon treating a hashiras wound

"w-what why you did that you think you can impress me that's not gonna work!" sanemi yells backing away from Akaza's hand rubbing his temple of his nose while akaza to roll his eyes

"who told you that and I stopped the wound because you are...MAKING a mess in the room room with your blood stupid!" akaza yells throwing a rage

The other hashiras enters the room and akaza quickly runs towards shinobou and stands beside him while uzui and rengoku was behind him

"good job akaza you controlled yourself against his intoxicant blood but why you said it's bitter? Uzui said while akaza was just playing Shinobou's harori without her noticing

"what are you doing?" mitsuri says looking at akaza who quickly let goes of the harori and looks at her

" nothing lady u-uh with pink and green hair" akaza says looking at her

"my name is mitsuri you can call me mitsuri akaza" mitsuri says looking at him giving a smile

"I think akaza is OK to be with us since he didn't attack Sanemi after tasting his blood.." rengoku says sounding little sure

"why could I attack Mr no eyebrows? I may be a demon but I am not dumb to like something so bad" akaza says sticking out his tongue at Sanemi while he gasps in anger while others laughed including giyuu and muichiro too

"who are you calling mr no eyebrows huh I will kick your ass in the sun!" sanemi yells back angrily

"come on you know it's true you got no eyebrows" iguro says looking at Sanemi's eyes with a smirk on his face hidden under his mask

"see mr no eyebrows with bitter blood, even mr mismatched eye color dude agreed with me" akaza said being proud of himself as Uzui just pets his head while Sanemi and iguro where boiling in anger

"shut up you stupid demon!" sanemi yells while akaza rolls eyes

"akaza say sorry to Sanemi and iguro San for me" shinobou says trying to make them stop fighting with each other

"am sorry mr salami and Igayro" akaza says starching his neck while the others where trying their best to control their laugh

"it's Sanemi not SaLaMi" sanemi says rolling his eyes "and mine is iguro not IgAyRo" iguro says while rolling his eyes

"let's take him back to master kagaya and tell him everything in details" uzui suggest as he started to put everything on akaza's body dressing him up like a kid who had removed everything expect his original clothes and puts on the muzzle back on his mouth while akaza groaned in annoyance huffing angrily crossing his arms like a whiny kid which rengoku thought was cute for some reason

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