first day

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"Class, listen up." My new teacher's, Mr. Aizawa, bored voice came from inside the room as I propped myself against the door frame. Once I heard the class quiet, he spoke again. "We have a new student."

The door opened, the tired male peeking out and motioning me in. Stepping in, all eyes were on me making me pissed off. "Hello, I'm Chiyoko Shinju. The new kid."

Multiple greetings rang out, causing me to offer a small smile before dropping it and turning to Mr. Aizawa as he started talking. "Are there any questions for Ms. Shinju?"

I glared at the man when multiple hands shot up. Mr. Aizawa, however, didn't even bat an eye and went to his desk, causing me to sigh. I looked around the room, purposely avoiding a specific blonde, and settled on a familiar green haired guy with curiosity in his eyes.

"Do you have a quirk?" He immediately asked, speaking again. "Oh, I'm Izuku Midoriya, by the way. You can call me Deku though, everyone does."

I nodded. "Yes, I have a quirk."

The room was quiet as he spoke meekly again, "Do you mind telling us...?"


"I bet you don't even have a quirk. That's why you aren't telling us. What an extra." The blonde haired male I was trying to avoid talking to jeered.

I raised my brows at him, soon chuckling. "You're still insecure? How cute, Katsuki Bakugou."

"How the hell do you know my name?!" Bakugou yelled, slamming his hands on his desk.

I shrugged, opting to not reply to him and calling on a guy with red and white hair. "I'm Shoto Todoroki, and I was wondering why you transferred in the middle of the year?"

"I transferred so late because my parents had to move for their jobs." I answered simply.

"Oi, don't fucking ignore me, you extra!" I snapped my head over to the sound of crackling to see the blonde lunging at me with a hand of explosion ready.


"Bakugou, stop!" Aizawa yelled, standing from his desk.

Multiple other shouts of worry sounded off as I smirked. After the dust settled, Bakugou was shown to be on the ground, having fallen on his ass, as I stood standing with a purple glow surrounding me. I stepped forward, the shield disappearing as I slightly leaned over Bakugou's body, smirking. "You remind me of a dog, specifically, a chihuahua. Feisty as hell, but obedient when they get put in their place."

He growled as he stood, dusting himself off. "Shut the hell up."

I threw my head back in a laugh, stepping closer to him and whispering. "Congratulations, you've seen quirk one, Firecracker."

Stepping back, I saw a look of shock plastered across his face. As he went to speak, I raised a finger to my lip to silence him and pointed back to his desk. I smirked as a white ring sat, visible, in his irises. I looked around, sighing. "Any other questions?"

"Was that your quirk?" A shark-like, red haired male asked. "Ejiro Kirishima."

"Yes," I answered slowly, shrugging. "It's called Kitsune. It creates force fields."

"What are its limitations?" Izuku asked, pulling out a notebook.

"Not sure in all honesty. I've done one large enough to protect a house, and one small enough for a cat. I've always been able to hold them until they're no longer needed."

"Do they put any strain on you?" A blue haired man asked. "I'm Tenya Iida, by the way."

"It depends on what falls on them. The heavier the items are, the more the joints in my shoulders, elbows, and wrists hurt." I explained, growing bored with the topic. "Are we done?"

"How old are you?" A pink colored girl asked. "Also, I'm Mina Ashido!"

"I'm 17, Mina." I replied.

"Are you single?" A short, purple haired guy asked.

"No." I answered, hiding my look of disgust by turning to Mr. Aizawa. "I'm done answering any questions. Where will I be seated?"

"Behind Midoriya, in between Kirishima and Bakugou, and in front of Todoroki." He replied, waving me off.

I deadpanned. "You really wanna put me next to the guy who just tried to attack me?"

"Yes. You seemed to have handled him pretty well, probably the best in the class. So, yes, you'll be seated next to him to keep him in check." Mr. Aizawa finalized.

"Oi, I don't need this chick to 'keep me in check'!" Bakugou shouted.

"Oh, shut up, you pomeranian!" I rolled my eyes, a purple wall appearing behind me as another explosion sounded off. I turned, glaring. "Low blow, Bakugou."

"Shut up, chick."

"Oh-ho-ho, y'know-"

"Enough!" Mr. Aizawa yelled, his scarf flaring around. I jumped, surrounding myself in a ball of purple, not missing the concerned looks I got from everyone.

I cleared my throat. "Anywho, I'll go to my seat now."

I sat, letting my bag drop to the floor beside my desk and rested my head in my hand. Totally expecting Mr. Aizawa to teach, I was a bit taken back by how the man had (almost magically) appeared in a sleeping bag and fallen asleep. Glancing around the classroom, I saw everyone begin talking quietly with each other.

I glanced over to Kirishima, mumbling, "I take it this is a normal occurrence?"

"Yeah. As long as we don't kill each other or wake him up, he doesn't care. We do learn sometimes, but more often we end up in situations like these." The man answered with a smile.

I nodded. "Neat."

"What? Did you never have a free class?" Bakugou sneered.

I chuckled. "Nah. Homeschooling wasn't as nice as this."

"You were home-schooled?" Bakugou asked, looking over.

I deadpanned. "No."

"But you just said-"

My laugh cut him off, it only becoming louder when he realized I was being sarcastic.

Iris Versicolor - MHA (Dabi x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now