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My head snapped up to the door being thrown open and a body was thrown to the ground. My eyes widened when I recognized the spiky blonde hair and the fierce red eyes. Shigaraki walked in after him, a glint of mischievous joy in his eyes. Dabi walked in after him, lowering his head so his face couldn't be seen.

"Now, someone was kind enough to share some important information about you, especially your childhood. What would be a better way to get you to break than threaten the life of one of your few childhood friends?" Shigaraki smirked, kicking Bakugou in the stomach and farther into the middle of the room.

"Oi! Your kicks are weak as hell to someone who doesn't have abs, you think a male with defined muscle all around his body will be affected by your pathetic attempt of abuse?" I growled, not missing the way Shigaraki paused. The male walked over, crouching down in front of me with a curious look.

"Your quirk doesn't just pertain to icy flames, does it?"

"Wouldn't you like to fucking know." I spat, glaring as purple started to swim in my eyes.

"Ah, ah, be careful. Compared to someone who's been beaten and is falling apart, Dabi is completely fine, and could easily overpower you, just like before."

I rolled my eyes.

I let Dabi win. To get an idea on exactly how much stronger he had actually gotten. It really helped me range how much he still cared, and how much he was still holding back. It wasn't that much, but it was enough for him not to kill me.

Shigaraki smirked at my silence, backing up to stand right in front of the door, gesturing towards Bakugou laying on the ground. "What will it be, your childhood friend, or the secrets of One For All?"

I pursed my lips, glancing at Bakugou who sent me a pleading look. 

A pleading look... Bakugou wouldn't do that. I know him. He would've sent me the nastiest glare in existence and already made a scene about trying to get out of here. Not to mention he'd be pissed at me for what I did, and the consequences of those actions.

I composed myself, staying quiet and looking Shigaraki in his eyes. He raised his brows, "You're a horrible person. First your boyfriend, now your friend?"

"I'm not a horrible person, I'm just not giving you what you want." I replied.

A phone ringing caused everyone's attention to snap over to Shigaraki who looked at his phone with a concerned look. He answered it, placing the phone to his ears only to cringe and yank it away from his ear and onto the speaker phone.

"Shigaraki! Pick up the fucking phone! You stupid bitch! Where the fuck is my friend?!" Izuku's voice came yelling through the phone. Shigaraki slowly lowered his hand and hung up quickly.

I laughed, "Oh, boy, you're in for it. Izuku never cusses, congrats, you're the first person to successfully make him do that."

Shigaraki scoffed, rolling his eyes before ripping the tape off Bakugou's face. "You're going to hear your friend scream as he gets burned to a crisp."

As soon as the tape was ripped off, Bakugou spoke. "Tiger, please..."

My eyes widened at the nickname, going to reply but blue flames swirled around his body. Blood curdling, agonizing screams filled the space of the small, dark room. I watched as his humanoid figure slowly started to morph into a blob-like state before turning to ashes.

My head hung low when I felt the heat of Dabi's flames disappear. The room was silent aside from the small sounds of my tears meeting the floor. My shoulders shook as a laugh passed through my lips, and then another, then some more...

Iris Versicolor - MHA (Dabi x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now