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The lights flipped on, causing a blinding light to wake me from my restless slumber. I was ripped forward into a kneeling position, becoming fully awake when a bucket of ice water was dumped on me. "Hello winter, I'm up."

"You know this man?" Shigaraki's raspy voice questioned, ripping a bag off a man's head that I just realized was there. I squinted hard for a moment before it dawned on me.

"Oh, hey, babe." I smiled, his frightened eyes locking with me.

"Where am I? Why am I here?" He asked quickly, looking all around. "Are you okay?"

"Me? I'm fine. He hits like a girl, I don't even feel any of this." I shrugged.

Shigaraki growled, ripping his glove off and placing his hand on his head, all fingers but his pointer making contact. "You will tell me how to get Midoriya back here, and make him willingly turn over One For All."


"He dies."

I glanced at my boyfriend, seeing a look of fear cross his face as I smirked. "Go ahead."

Shigaraki opened his mouth, probably going to yell something at me, but taken aback by my response. "What did you just say?"

"Are you deaf too?"

There was a pause before he spoke again. "You're trying to call my bluff. You think I won't do it."

"Sure." I shrugged.

A hateful glare was sent to me from Shigaraki who slowly lowered his finger, expecting me to shout in protest at the last second, but it never happened. I watched as cracks started to form on his body before becoming gray, and falling apart like dust. A look of shock was clear on my face, Shigaraki laughing in triumph. "Did you really think I wouldn't do it?"

"Was this the best you could do?" I belted out a laugh, struggling and failing to hide my amusement. "Finally, he's gone! God, that man was horrible, y'know, forced relationship. I didn't know how to get rid of him without committing a crime. Thank you, sincerely."

Giggles still left my mouth as Shigaraki looked at me with an interested expression before leaving the room. Dabi leaned against the wall as I kept laughing. "You done yet?"

I sighed, "Yeah. I think."

"So, forced relationship?" Dabi asked, trying to hide the jealousy that seeped through his tone. Lucky enough for him, I decided not to tease him about it.

"Yeah. Father set it up since he was from a wealthier family. He was a real dick, constantly demanding things of me, getting angry when I refused." I answered vaguely.

"You're lying," He said knowingly.

"Okay, so maybe he was a bit abusive."

"What?" Dabi scowled, causing me to shrug.

"He's gone now. No more manipulations, lying, wearing long sleeves, I'm free."

Dabi sauntered over, lifting up the sleeves of my now bloodied shirt to see large bruises in the shape of a hand. His eyes went nearly black glaring at the yellow-purple skin. I rolled my eyes, looking around, only to flinch and snap my head over to my wrist when a cool wetness suddenly hit it.

Dabi maintained eye contact as he kissed each individual bruise, moving to the other wrist and doing the same. I was thankful for the bruises covering my face, otherwise a light pink tinge would be covering my cheeks.

"And you claim you don't care." I teased, raising a brow at him.

"I don't." He answered simply, shrugging before leaving too.

Iris Versicolor - MHA (Dabi x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now