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"Shinju, wake up!"

"What?" I sat up, startled, and ended up headbutting someone in the face. "Ouch!"

"She's awake guys!" Kirishima whined from where he was sprawled across the ground.

"What happened?" I asked, voice hoarse, causing me to rub my throat. "How long was I out?"

"We don't know. We just found you... maybe 30 minutes?" Uraraka answered.

I nodded, glancing over everyone, making sure everyone was accounted for. Upon realizing something, I bolted to my feet. "Where's Izuku and Katsuki?"

A look of sympathy and regret washed over everyone's face. Todoroki stepped forward, "The LOV captured them."

"What?" I said breathlessly, eyes wide. "You're lying. There's no way..."

Everyone gave me a confused look as I clenched my teeth, soon pushing past everyone who was crowded around me. A hand grabbed my wrist, halting me and forcing me to turn towards the group, as well as a worried Kirishima.

"Look, I get you're worried about them and you want to save them, but if you go alone you'll die." Kirishima spoke gravely.

"Is that supposed to stop me?" I scoffed.

"Are you insane?" Mina asked.

"For them, yes." I replied, ripping my wrist from Kirishima.

"What even are they to her again?" I heard someone mumble.

"For your information, they're my childhood friends that I would die for." I glared. "And since it's obvious you all are scared, y'all can wait until I get back."

No one said a word, causing me to nod and start walking away.

"Wait...!" Todoroki called, causing me to stop and slowly turn. "We'll follow you so you have back up."

"No. I'm going alone. Everyone was too scared, remember?" I reminded, seeing a guilty look plastered on everyone's face. "Now, what you can do is go back to UA, get the heroes, and bring them back here. You'll know where to find us because I'll send out a flare."

Todoroki nodded in agreement, turning and leading everyone back towards UA at a moderate pace. I turned back, allowing my eyes to turn their purple and seeing a large purple explosion-like firework explode in the distance. I started my run over there, gaining adrenaline the closer I got.

Iris Versicolor - MHA (Dabi x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now