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"So it's not fur?"

"Yes- do not!" I yelled, jumping away from everyone and sparking purple flames making everything disappear. "No one rubs my ears. You're lucky I even let you touch them."

"C'mon, Shinju," Izuku deadpanned. "It's not that bad, you just-"

A sudden alarm sounded off, everyone jumping to their feet seconds after Mr. Aizawa stood and ran to the door. "Everyone, stay. here. Understood? Another hero will be here in a few minutes, but the safest place is here right now. So, don't move."

No one replied, in fact, a few of them even glared and caused Mr. Aizawa to sigh. "I feel like that just blew over your head... you guys better listen."

With that, Mr. Aizawa ran out of the room, closing the door behind him and locking it. Everyone glanced at each other before Bakugou spoke. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go beat someone's ass!"

"Kacchan, wait. Don't you think it'd be better to know who we're up against?" Izuku asked meekly.

"Hah? Do you think I can't take them? Huh, nerd?!" Bakugou snarled, the crackling of his explosions sounding off in his hands.

A warm feeling tingled on my back, causing me to turn and see a man with a scarred face walking slowly towards the door with a menacing smirk. A blue swirl started forming around his hands, causing me to turn and face my classmates who are now trying to keep Izuku and Bakugou from fighting.

"Guys..." No one stopped, it almost seemed as if the noise grew louder. Glancing back, I saw the male in the door window, obviously trying the door handle before raising a hand covered and a scorching blue flame towards the door. "Guys!"

"What?!" Bakugou snapped, glancing over, eyes widening in shock along with everyone else. "Shit."

"Everyone down!" I yelled, raising a field the same moment Todoroki brought up a pillar of ice around the outside of the field. The ice melted away within seconds, whilst my field clashed with the hot flames, resulting in a flood of steam filling the room. I brought down the shield, quickly but silently rushing to the place I last saw the man.

"Where'd he go?" I heard Uraraka's shaky voice ask.

I heard a dark chuckle, seeing the outline of his black coat. Lunging to my right, I released a flame of purple at his face, sending him back into the wall and watching as he collapsed onto one knee. Holding his face, I met his icy blue eyes with my own fiery purple.

[Name: Dabi

[Status: Villain (Apart of LOV)

[Quirk: Blueflame

[Characteristics: Third degree burns all over body

My eyes flashed a blinding white, temporarily rendering Dabi sightless as I kicked him out of the room. "Todoroki, use your ice to cover where the door used to be!"

The male nodded, everyone else covering their mouths and faces as the smoke started to gather in the room.

"Any ideas?" Todoroki asked with a strain to his voice, causing me to look over and see him having to constantly use his quirk to rebuild the wall as Dabi used his flames to melt it. My gaze lingered on the window and I quickly made my way over, seeing a pool not so far away, but oh so far down.

"Maybe..." I answered, grabbing a desk and chucking it out the window, successfully breaking it.

"What the hell?!" Bakugou yelled just as Todoroki got launched through the room. I raised up a field of purple, staggering back with every blast of blue that met the field.

"Everyone out! Aim for the pool! Uraraka, help anyone who's scared!" I yelled, not even glancing behind me as I heard the glass shatter from their legs hitting what remained. A final blast was sent towards my shield, causing it to lower and for me to send my own blast towards Dabi who gracefully avoided it. The room flashed with a flurry of blue and purple, us both dodging then firing, each gaining injuries as time passed. The fight only stilled when Dabi smirked, causing me to glance back at the window, only to see flames covering every bit of it and the ceiling starting to cave in. "Huh. You're not as dumb as you look."

Dabi growled, lunged for me as I ran at him, before I slid below his arm and tripped him, making him stumble below where the ceiling was the weakest. I fired a shot of purple at it and watched the debris land on top of him, caging him in. Without sparing a glance, I took off out of the room and headed towards the roof.

Iris Versicolor - MHA (Dabi x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now