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The lunch bell rang, causing everyone to quickly get up and hustle out. Well, besides Midoriya who turned in his seat to offer me a kind smile. I raised a brow, enticing him to speak, which he did when everyone left.

"I didn't think we'd be seeing you again, since you moved to the states and all, Kitty." Izuku smiled as my eyes widened.

"I didn't think you'd remember me." I replied sheepishly.

Izuku laughed, "Of course I'd remember you. We were inseparable before you moved, especially after what Bakugou did."

I sighed. "Yeah. We were pretty close."

"Well, I can tell one thing has changed."

I raised a brow. "What? That both of us aren't quirkless anymore?"

Izuku rolled his eyes, chuckling. "That, and the fact you dyed your hair and curled it."

"Nope. This is all natural. My hair turned darker because I spent more time inside thanks to homeschooling. I have naturally curly hair that I just recently decided to tame and take care of. My mom would always straighten my hair when I was a kid because the curls were too much for her to handle." I explained.

"Wow. That's unexpected."

I nodded. "I guess."

There was a pause before Izuku spoke again. "Were you upset that Bakugou didn't recognize you?"

I scoffed. "Honestly? Hell no. I genuinely would've been content never seeing him again."

"You know, he has changed..."

"That doesn't excuse him for what he did to us when we were younger, Izu." I said sternly.

"Jeez, you're still as intimidating as ever." Izuku shuddered, causing me to laugh.

I sighed. "I am surprised he didn't realize it was me, though. I accidentally called him Firecracker. It just slipped."

Izuku snickered. "I remember all the funny, childish names you'd make up for him."

I groaned, smacking my head on the table. "Don't even start, Cinnabon."

"Hey!" Izuku pouted. "Let's go get lunch."

"Actually, I don't-"

"Go. Unless you want to deal with an angry teacher." Mr. Aizawa's rough voice ordered.

"Going!" Izuku replied, grabbing my hand and running out of the room.

"Izu, slow down!" I gasped, almost tripping had I not reacted quick enough.

"Sorry, but welcome to the lunch room." He apologized, then gestured around the room.

"Izu... I didn't wanna be in here." I glanced back at the door, opting to leave.

Izuku reached out. "Hey, I know you don't prefer big places with a lot of people, but just give this a try. You can sit at my table with Todoroki, Uraraka, Iida, and Tyusu."

I looked him in the eyes before sighing. "Fine. But if I want to leave you will not stop me again, got it?"

"Yes ma'am." He smiled, dragging me over to a table and sitting me down next to Todoroki before sitting on my right.

"Uh, hey, guys." I said awkwardly.

"Hi! I'm Uraraka," a brown haired girl waved, causing me to nod at her.

"I'm Tyusu." The other green haired girl spoke.

"Well, I'd assume you already know me, so..." I let off, jumping a bit as Todoroki tapped my shoulder. "Yes?"

Iris Versicolor - MHA (Dabi x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now