Chapter 2

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Ace pov

Honestly you Weren't happy Eunbi threw you into helping the girls already but what was done was done.

The next day went by as you created a whole new life in this universe. Didn't take a lot of work just could be annoying having to remember your own backstory at times. Doing this more times then you can count, sometimes your stories get jumbled together.

Currently, you found yourself in a court room trying to do what Eunbi said you would. Simple to say that everyone was looking at you weird.

"Well Mr. Abbott. I understand you want to buy the rights to the dreamcatcher company but you must understand that the Korean government is doing in investigation into the company right now."

"I understand your honor. If I can not get dreamcatcher company itself, may I buy the right to produce music with the group name dreamcatcher?"

"Well you could but buying the rights to that alone is almost the price of what the whole company will be once we are done with our investigation. It would be beneficial for you to just wait."

"Well, I'm ok with spending that money. If I could just get the music of the girls and the name I will be very grateful."

The judge saw you weren't gonna take no for an answer and just nodded her head yes.

"Very well. The name Dreamcatcher as well as the rights to their songs are now under you possession. I wish you all a good day."

Standing up, the judge left the room as you walked to the back. Eunbi was sitting there and smirked at you.

"Wipe that smirk off your face. I just spent a lot of money."

"Shut up Oppa. We both know if you need money you will make it appear."

"Yeah yeah. Also don't call me oppa. I'm 25 in this universe."

"Oh wow. Who said you could talk to me casually then?"

You laughed a bit until you saw Eunbi kept staring at you.

"Sorry noona."

"There we go. You can speak casually as long as you add the Noona. Now, you have the rights, what else do you need?"

"I need staff and a building. I was gonna rehire some of the former workers from DCC and look for a building where we can make our headquarters. I have a lead on a building tho. It's near the former DCC and it has space for all we need. I just need to head there now."

"Well let's go then. In the meantime I would recommend getting out messages to the former workers."

"Already done. Now let's go tour the building."

Opening a portal, you and Eunbi walked through and ended up in an alleyway near the building. From first look it looked exactly like the old DCC building, and for a reason.

"It was designed by the same people who made the other building. It's basically a replica. I was just gonna sign the papers but if you want to look around then let's go ahead."

"No no. Your the ceo so if you say it's good I'm sure it is."

Not needing the tour, you immediately found the real estate agent and signed the papers. Things were going along well. Now you needed employees. Finding them was a bit easier then you assumed as you just did a refined search for people with Dreamcatcher company as experience.

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