Chap 9

136 9 6

Ace pov

Deciding it was already an exciting day, you all made the choice to head home after all that. The walk home was quite boring as everyone was just silent. Before you knew it, your body was in front of your apartment door. Entering the passcode, you quickly entered your home and shut the door behind you. Despite the door being closed, you could still hear the girls all say their farewells and go into their own homes.

Heading to your kitchen, your hand reached and opened the top cabinet for some food. Your eyes scanned the several bags until you decided on the red package of ramen for dinner. You didn't really get to eat much with the explaining and fighting.

The boring process of making the ramen flashed by as you got everything done quickly. Once the ramen was in a white bowl, your chopsticks went down and began to pick up the noddles. The subtle spicy from the ramen hit just perfectly with the hunger you were feeling.

In a matter of minutes, the white bowl was now empty with just the broth stains dirtying the rim. Unlike other people, you immediately got to your sink and washed your dirty dishes. Being it just a pair of chopsticks and a bowl, the washing was done pretty quick.

With nothing left to do, you went over to your liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle of scotch. Without bothering to get a glass, your hand removed the cap and threw it on your coffee table.

As your back hit the soft cushion, you immediately brought the bottle up to you lips and welcomed the bitter taste of scotch. Some might be concerned with how fast you drank, but once the empty glass bottle hit your desk you just sat there and relaxed. With your eyes closed, you quickly drifted off the dream land.

The sound of water hit your ears as you began to wake up. As your eyes adjusted, you took a quick glance up at clock and saw it was midnight. Standing up, your ears started to pick up the sound of water even more. Walking towards your room, the sound got louder and louder until you entered it.

Looking around your room, your eyes noticed the slight glow of light coming from your bathroom. Walking to your restroom, you gave the door a quick knock and opened it. Sure it could have seemed rude to just open the bathroom door like that but no one was supposed to be there.

As the door opened, you took a look around your bathroom until you eyes fell on the glass walls around your shower. Despite a bit of fog, you immediately recognized who was in your shower.

"Eunbi. What are you doing here?"

"My shower broke. It will be fixed in a few days though. I figured you wouldn't mind."

"I actually do mind. You don't just enter a person home and start using their shit without asking."

With your hand, you decided to turn the dile with some telekinesis and turned off the water. Despite this, Eunbi pushed the door open and smirked at you.

"Please. It's me of all people. Your stuff is practically mine."

"No no no no no. I'm not happy with you right now. Put some clothes on and get out of my damn apartment."

Angrily, you went out to your bedroom and began to change into your pajamas. Once your pants were on, the sound of the bathroom door caught your attention. Eunbi began to walk out matching your current dress up.

"Seriously. Why don't you have a shirt on?"

"I am changing, plus it's nothing you haven't seen before."

"Shut up. Get the hell out of my room."

Putting your shirt on, Eunbi did the same and stood there. Hopping in bed, you saw that Eunbi was just looking at you until she got closer. Jumping on the bed, the young woman jumped under the sheets despite your efforts to stop her. The young woman wrapped her arms around you and looked up at you.

"Look, I'm sorry but my friends needed to know what's up with them. I know you were left with no choice but they don't deserve to be put in a spot where they harm someone because they didn't know their power."

"I WAS WATCHING. I wouldn't have let it get that bad. Just listen to me next time Eunbi, please."

"Ok ok. Once again I'm sorry. A-And I'm sorry for bringing her up. Have you tried talking to her?"

"No. What's the point if she is just gonna hate me? I'm not going to waste my time on someone who won't want to see me."

"Maybe things are different here. I won't push you but maybe you can pass by if you get a chance."

"Maybe. Moving on, You think the girls will listen to me when we start training?"

"Gahyeon might be a bit of a brat as you have seen but I think she will take your advice well. Siyeon though, she might be a little bit of a rebel."

"The tremors she can create, I'll need to keep a close eye on her until she can fully control it."

"What about Jiu? What if she creates something wild?"

"Then I will take care of it. You know I'm not that stupid."

"Yeah, true but at times you can be."

"Shut up. How is it that even after you piss me off, I still forgive you quickly?"

"Because it's me. You will always love me and her. Let's just forget about all of this for today. It's late so let's sleep. Orrrrrrr"

Before you could react, Eunbi pounced on you and began to smirk. You already knew where she was going with this. Eunbi in that moment placed her lips on your own and began to kiss you ferociously.

Guess you weren't going to sleep much.

A/n- so Eunbi gave Ace her apology.

Who is the other girl that seemed to be friends of them also?

Why does ace want to avoid this person?

As always sorry for typos, thank you for reading and see you next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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