Chap 7

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Ace pov

As the two of you began to walk away from the dogs, Yoohyeon just stayed silent. You weren't going to push her so the silence remained for a few minutes until she tapped your shoulder.

Facing Yoohyeon, the young woman pointed at the ground next to a tree. As you both sat down, Yoohyeon made sure to face you and look into your eyes.

"This isn't a dream right? We are both here in this park right now?"

"Yes yoohyeon. This is all real. Want me to pinch you?"

"Ye- OW"

"Hey I got permission from you."

"Well you could have been nice about it."

"Yeah. That looked like it hurt."

Yoohyeon jumped a bit as she saw that final sentence came from a squirrel running down a tree. The action made you laugh as the squirrel jumped on Yoohyeon's legs and looked up.

"Nut please."

When Yoohyeon grabbed one, the squirrel took it out of her hand and ran off. The part of the park you were in was empty so you took this chance to talk.

"In the past few days all of you got powers when the ruler of this multiverse gave up his power to die. It went into all 7 of you as he released it randomly."

"Yeah right. Tell me what's really going on."

"I'm serious. How else would you explain how you are talking to animals?"

"I don't know. An act of god?"

"Yeah, god had nothing to do with it."

At your right, Eunbi was walking in the park with Gumbi her dog. Gumbi ran up to you and began to lick your face.


"Hello Gumbi. It nice to see you. How is Eunbi treating you?"


Eunbi took a seat next to Yoohyeon and patted her head.

"Ace isn't lying. All he said is true."

"And how would you know?"

"Me and Ace have history. You could say our friendship that is much more then it seems."

Yoohyeon was silent until she stood up. Looking at her You immediately recognized a worrisome face she made. Yoohyeon suddenly began to run in the direction of the girls. At that time a text came in saying the specific pork belly restaurant they were at.

Jumping up, you began to run after Yoohyeon. You knew she was going to tell the other girls and you wanted to stop her. Each step you took, your eyes could pick up Yoohyeon in front of you. Despite this the girl began to pick up speed.

Just as you were going to get near her, you felt a slap to the face that made you stop. The source of the slap? Eunbi.

"Yah, these girls deserve to know already. Don't tell them one by one."

"Eunbi. Stay out of this."

"Not when this affects my friends."

"Eunbi. This is not your life. I have been more then kind looking after them and helping them fix their lives. I have taken a liking to them as well but I will do this how I want."

Just as you were ready to teleport in front of Yoohyeon, Eunbi grabbed your hand and yanked you farther back into the street. You were official annoyed.


A small crowd of people began to form as they saw the two of you arguing. Seeing these people you yelled at them commands.


The humans watching did exactly that and ignored you. Despite the angry look on your face, Eunbi didn't back down.


A sarcastic laugh left your mouth as you had a stare down with the young woman.

"You really have gotten bold huh. Who are you to give me demands?"

"And what will you do? You wouldn't do anything to lose your best friend. You wouldn't want to lose another like Moon-."

You were furious at what Eunbi just brought up but you decided to just ignore it and begin to walk towards the restaurant. Eunbi followed at your side silent the entire time. Finally arriving, you turned at looked at her.

"Don't think my love for you is weakness. Ever try to pull something like that on me you will truly regret it. Don't bring her up either, Is that clear?"

Her angry glare from earlier is now gone as she slowly nodded her head. Pushing the door open, you found the restaurant empty with just the girls in a corner. As they all turned at you, their faces just said it all. Yoohyeon told them.

Guess it's time to explain it to them all.

A/n- sorry for the short chapter. Looks like they all know now. How will the others take it?

As always, sorry for typos thank you for reading and see you next time.

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