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"Thank you for being here today." Billie said hugging me. Of course. I said. I missed you since last met. She said. I know, i just had a lot things to do. I said. You never answered my texts. She said. Listen billie, i just wasn't having an easy time. I said. Why haven't you told me that, i would've be there for you. She said. I know, i'm sorry billie. I said. It's fine, just let us get done with the podcast. She said. Okay. I said. "Hey guys, welcome back to an another episode, today we have an very exclusive guest because Liv Harrison is here today". She said smiling at me. Well, hello. I said. So everyone knows you wasn't active at social media and at modeling for a while now, and i think some people maybe want to know why. She said. I mean, i just needed a break from everything because I couldn't leave my house anymore without having anxiety attacks. I said. I know you have social anxiety for a long time now, because I know  you for a few years now. I would love to talk about the attacks if its okay for you. She said. Of course, i don't have a problem talking about them. I said. Okay, so do they always have the same start when you get one? She asked. Sometimes I start to shake or I can't breath well, so no. I said. When you get one, is there anything that others can do for you? She asked. Distracting me. I said. Good. She said. You bring out a book in a week, is there something about your anxiety in it? She asked. It have a short little chapter about it. I said. Okay, so lets move on to another theme. She said. Okay. I said. There are some rumors that you and your boyfriend broke up, i hate to ask you this, but is that true? She asked. We already broke up a few months ago. I said. I'm so sorry to hear that. She said. It's okay, live moves on. I said. Are you going to work again soon? She asked. Hopefully yes, but i wait til my therapist says it's okay to work. I said. Okay, I let instagram asking some questions, and one of them is :"is it true she's pregnant?". She said. No, i'm not pregnant. I said. Do you want to have kids when your a little older? She asked. Definitely, I would really love to have 1-2 kids but we'll see. I said. You grew up with 3 little sisters so you know how to handle kids. She said. Yeah but I don't really talk with them tho. I said. Thats kinda sad. She said. I know, they just chose her friends over family so it's just my mom and me now. I said. How is she, I haven't talked with her for months now. She said. She's good, she asked about you last week. I said. Really? She asked. Yeah, she wants you to come over for dinner or something like that. I said. She's so sweet, i'll come over soon. She said. I'm gonna tell her that. I said. Great. She said. Mhm. I said. We recorded 30more minutes before we ended the episode. "Do you have to go now?" Billie asked. No, still have some time. I said. Okay, you wanna go get some food? She asked. Yeah sure. I said. Okay. She said and then we got some food. "Do you want me to stay here tonight?" I asked as we were sitting in her bed eating. I would love that. She said. Okay, i'll just need to get some of my clothes. I said. You can have some of mine. She said. Oh thank you. I said. She nodded. Is there anything you want to talk about? I asked. I mean, yes but it just will ruin our friendship. She said. Billie, I don't care, just tell me. I said. You'll hate me for that. She said and then kissed me. Why should I hate you pretty? I asked. I don't know, I guess I just feel things for you, you're not feeling back. She said. Billie, I never said I'm not in love with you. I said. You do love me? She asked. Yeah, that's why i broke up with him. I said. I love you too. She said kissing me once more.
"Be my girlfriend, please". I asked her quietly. Yes, i would love to be yours. She said blushing. Thank you baby. I said.

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