Meet & Greet

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Hunter: Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome your Smackdown Women's Champion..The Rebel, Madelyn Jayne!

*Knowing that today was going to be a long one, you went with Demi and Fergal earlier to get your ankle checked out. Nothing serious, but you did have a crutch, so you weren't hoping around on one foot until you're better. Walking up to Hunter, you shake his hand before sitting down, placing your crutch against the table and your title on top of the table as Hunter whispers to you*

Hunter: you're still up to do is this, right?

You: of course I am

Hunter: Alright. Have fun, champ

*Hunter leaves you alone as you start meeting all the fans who came to see you today. Fans bringing drawings of you, and you and Jacy, custom items just for you. Some even crying just from getting to see you in person*

Fan#1: Why do you have a crutch?

You: oh, I was training yesterday and took the wrong turn, but nothing serious

1 and a half later

*you now had about 15-20 people left, taking a picture with a male fan, after him a little girl around the age of 13 walk up to you crying, you hug her as she hugs back*

You:aww! Why are you crying? Don't cry

*her mother, Angela , then told you about how happy her daughter, Michelle, was to meet you, but was sad because of the stuff with Rhea that's going. You felt your heart break for this girl. You had told the mother, daughter duo to wait a few minutes as you finished up with the rest of people waiting in line, before turning back to the women next to you*

You: hey, Michelle? You wanna see something really cool behind these curtains? If it's okay with your mom?

Angela: of course

Michelle: Yes!

You: alright then..let's go!

*you split the curtains open, allowing Angela and Michelle to walk through as you follow through, before having them follow you. Moments later,you spot Rhea on her phone*

You: You two can keep secrets..right?

Michelle: we sure can!

You: Okay. You can't tell a soul..but Rhea Ripley is right over there and..we're actually best friends now

Michelle: Really?

You: really. But on camera we're still mad at each other

Angela: see, sweetheart? Now you have nothing to worry about

You: that's right! C'mon

*You walking up to Rhea, you both spend time with Michelle and Angela, laughing, taking pictures and signing Michelle's shirt, that had you and Rhea on it with the words "Nightmare & Rebel" on the back and funko pops of you both before they then left. You and Demi had walked out back, getting in the car, heading back to the hotel*

~Instagram posts~

 @Paige_MadelynJCaption- Meet & Greet Day!

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Caption- Meet & Greet Day!

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