Day Off

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*it was now Sunday and yesterday was the day that you and Dominik flew out to LA to stay at your place until Thursday where you'll fly out of for Smackdown.And today so far has been pretty good..3 hours when Dominik fell asleep in bed while you guys were watching "Scary Movie" through all of the "Scream" movies which was Dominik's idea. Him falling asleep made you bored, so you decided to work on Dom's Mania gear and your Mania gear. You were more done with your gear since you had got an early start on it about 3 weeks ago, but didn't start on Dom's until a couple days ago. You were so caught up with both gears, you didn't realize how much time had went by and also didn't notice that Dom had woken up*

Dominik: Hey Baby

*You jumped a bit at the sudden sound of his voice, almost poking yourself with the needle in your hand. You glance over at him before turning your full attention to him*

Dominik: Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you

You: it's okay..You alright?

Dominik: of course! Now what are you working on?

*Dominik walks over to where you were sitting, peering over your shoulder seeing both set of gears across the table*

You: Making our gears for Mania. But I think I ended up spending more time on yours than mine..if I'm being honest

*Dominik laughs at your words before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. He then pulls up the extra chair that's in the room, sitting next to you and watches as you sew his pants. Dominik then smiles once he saw what you had did to the back of the pants. "Mami" is what you had put on the back of his pant*

Dominik: Mami...

You: You like it?

Dominik: I love it..thank you

*After finishing the pants, your hands grew tired causing you to put down the needles that you held and lean back in your chair, hearing Dom softly chuckle as he placed his hand on your thigh, lightly rubbing it in the process*

Dominik: Need a break?

You: absolutely!

Dominik: the living we room!

You: for what?

Dominik: to watch the last to scream movies

You: You sure? I mean..I do kiss two other males in both films

Dominik: I don't care about that. You were just doing your job. Now Come on!

You: I'm right behind you! Calm down!

*Dominik runs downstairs like a little kid on Christmas, plopping down on the couch and turns on "Scream 5"as you walk into the kitchen, making a bag go Popcorn*

The Scene where Jessie Loomis make her first appearance

*You and Dominik had been in complete silence since the movie started and now Dominik knew that this had to the part where you would come in and boy was he right. The scene took place in School, Jessie had been last to leave due to helping some students out before hearing her phone ring. She pick it up, thinking it was her Boyfriend, Wes Hicks who said he was picking her up*

Jessie: Hey, Babe! You here?

??: Hello, Jessie...

*Jessie froze at the sound of the voice, already knowing the past of Woodsboro she was getting scared*

Jessie: Wes, this isn't funny! You know-

??: this isn't Wes, Jessie

Jessie: then who are you?

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