Elimination Chamber

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*Elimination Chamber. 6 hours until the show started and everyone was running around very busy. Triple H was having everyone who was in a match do a run through of their entrances. so far everyone  that was in the elimination matches and took part of the triple-threat match had all did their entrances and now everyone who wasn't in a elimination or triple-threat were doing a run through was leaning against the barricade and seating in the seats as The Judgment Day's stuff comes on and the lights get dimmed. you were seated until you stood and leaned on the barricade, watching Demi, Fergal and Dominik all walk towards the already stetted up ring from last night. Fergal goes the opposite way from Dom and Demi as the two walk, but then stops as Demi whispers something in Dom's ear, causing him to look at you and smile. You smile back at him before turning your attention over to Triple Has he walked up to you, holding something wrapped in his hands*

Hunter: Paige. this is for you

You: What?

Hunter: open it

*Hunter passed the gift down over to you as you take a seat and unwrap it with all eyes now on you. fully unwrapping our gift, a smile grew on your face as before looking up a hunter, who was smiling down at you*

Hunter: New and improved. Your very own "Rebel-Shock" Baseball-Bat

You: Hunter..this is amazing! Thank you!

*you stand up and hug Hunter before turning back to your bat, looking at every detail and remember the last time you held this weapon*


*Hell in cell. October 6, 2019. For the past 15 minutes you've been squaring off inside the steel cage in a Triple-Threat match between The Riots Squad's Sarah Rowe, better known as, Sarah Logan and the RAW Women's Champion, Rebecca Quin, better known as "The Man" Becky Lynch for the title until you were able to hit Becky with your finisher "Downward Spiral" pinning her right after the move was hit*


*All 10,000 WWE fans jump out of their seat, cheering for you as you move off of Becky with tears streaming down your face as the ref comes over with the RAW Women's Championship, handing it to you as you stand before raising your arm high*

"Here is your winner. And the new! RAW Women's Champion, Madelyn Jayne!"

*you stood on the middle turnbuckle raising your new championship above your head as pyro was set off before jumping down. you were so into the title, you didn't noticed Sarah Logan coming from behind, because you had thought she was already backstage with Becky. But when you felt a Steel Chair  slammed it into you hard, making you let go of the championship and fall down, you now knew she was fact still the ring. The fans boo at Logan as she continues to unleash on. The two other members of the Riott Squad, Liv Morgan and Dori Prange, better known as Ruby Riott came into the ring as the cage was now lifted back up. Ruby and Liv grabbed you by your arms, pulling you up as Sarah grabs your bat. you started to twist and turn trying to get out of the two females holding you bat, but your body fell limp as Sarah Logan had torn your bat into half right in front of you*

Sarah: That title! I should have won it! not you, you don't deserve to have the RAW Women's Championship! you hear me, Madelyn?!

*All three women attacking you as your weak, sweating and with nothing to defend yourself with. just when you thought you were a goner another theme start to play*


*Becky runs back out with a kendo stick of the crowd makes a loud pop at the former champion sliding into the ring helping out the new champion that beat her moments ago. Becky hits Ruby and Liv a few times each before the kendo broke as Lynch handled Morgan before buy joined Liv, helping her out. 3 on 2 attack, you and Becky both down before hearing another theme play*

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