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I walk into the grand hall to find my maman and papa greeting King William, Queen Margaret, and their son Prince Nicholas at the door. My papa turns around and extends his arm to me. I bow down to the King and Queen and they all do the same. 

"We are delighted to have you in our home. This is my daughter Antoinette." My maman introduces me and I smile and Queen Margaret grabs my hand.

"Princess Antoinette. Last time I saw you, you were so little. You look so beautiful. It is so great to see you again." I smile back at her and admire her very thick British accent.

"Merci, Queen Margaret. It is lovely to see you." She lets go of my hand and stands back next to King William. I look over at Prince Nicholas to see he is already looking at me. He has soft golden hair and the sweetest eyes you have ever seen.

"This is our son, Prince Nicholas. You two have met before, I believe." I smile at him and he bows to me.

"Princess Antoinette." His British accent is very apparent and almost angelic. I curtsey back to him.

"Princess Nicholas." He nods back at me and I turn back to our parents.

"Well, we are going to sit outside. You two catch up and meet us for lunch after." Papa kisses me on the cheek and maman steps forward to me.

"Lui laisser une bonne impression. Après tout, il pourrait être votre futur mari." I nod and our parents leave the grand hall to the backyard. (Translation: Leave a good impression on him. after all, he might be your future husband.)

I turn back to Prince Nicholas and he smiles at me. 

"Nice place you have here." He looks around the room.

"Trust me, this isn't even the half of it." He laughs and I smile back at him. 

"So, um, do you want to go for a walk?" He nods back at me and we walk around the long hallways.

"I have to say, your english is very good." I smile and look up at him as we walk.

"Well, sometimes I struggle but I do speak a lot of english." We reach an entrance to the yard and walk out into the enormous garden.

"Can you tell me something in french?" I laugh and shake my head.

"Like what?" He puts his hands in the pockets of his suit and looks at me.

"Anything you want." I nod and think of something to say in my head.

"Je ne sais pas ce que je ressens à l'idée de me marier avec toi." He smiles at me and I look back down at the grass.

"You sound so beautiful when you speak french." I don't exactly know what to think of that but I laugh anyway.

"Thanks. I like your, um accent." We sit down on one of the benches near the rose garden.

"Yeah well, it's like the only good thing of living in Britain. I would much rather live here." I smile at him and block my eyes from the sunlight.

"So, you're 18 right?" I nod back at him.

"I only just turned 19. I was hoping to get a couple more years of my life before I have to marry, but now that I have met you I don't think I mind." He seems like a sweet boy and I think I will come around to like him but I am still taking time to warm up to him.

"Oh, merci. I wasn't happy about this either but I think I'm coming around to the idea." He smiles at me and it seems like a genuine smile. 

"You're really beautiful." I feel myself blush at his comment so I look down at my lap. He places his hand on my cheek and turns my head to look at him. I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"Like really beautiful." I smile at him again but I hear my dad call us for lunch. His hand leaves my cheek and we both stand up and make our way to our parents.


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