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Giovanni's POV:

It's 6:30 in the morning and I'm still sitting in this fucking ball. I can see Juliet down on the dance floor but Anna is no where to be found.

I can't help but think about what Anna said earlier. Why would she be upset about that? She should be happy that she is getting the family she always deserved. Something seems off.

My attention is brought back to the men in front of me, but none of it interests me so I decide to excuse myself from the table and walk down to Juliet.

"Juliet." She turns around to look at me and immediately fear strikes her features.

"Giovanni. Um I shouldn't be talking to you right now." She excuses herself from the conversation and quickly walks away from me. I follow after her, weaving through the crowd.

Finally, I catch up to her and pull her around to face me. She avoids my eye contact which tells me that I was right. Something is off.

"Juliet what's wrong? What's going on with Anna?" Juliet looks down at her fingers and then looks up at me with a look that confirms all my suspicions.

"It's mine, isn't it?" She folds her lips in a line and silently nods. I curse under my breath and rush out of the venue.

I run down to my car and speed off towards Anna's castle. I need to talk to her right now.

I enter in through the gate and rush out of my car to the front door. I knock but all of a sudden Prince Nicholas comes storming out of the castle.

He is fuming. I know that look all too well. 

I quickly run into the castle and look around.

"Anna!" I scream out hoping she will hear me but I get nothing in return. I run upstairs and look in the bathroom first. A used condom lies in the bin but nothing else.

I run into the bedroom and see a baseball bat lying on the ground. My stomach drops as I walk around the bed and see Anna curled up in the corner sobbing.

I quickly rush over to her, carefully avoiding the glass on the floor. I kneel down to her and she flinches but leans into my touch. I try to calm her down but she is hysterical. 

"Anna please you have to tell me what's wrong." I sit back from her a bit as she turns around to me. She lowers her legs and my heart breaks at the sight of blood between her legs.

My child. Our child is gone. All because of that disgrace of a man. 

I am careful of the prominent bruises all over her neck and body as I pull her onto my lap. I run my finger through her hair as she cries against my chest.

"Shh mi amore. It's okay. I've got you now. You're safe." I place a kiss on her head as her crying slowly starts to calm down.

A couple of tears escape my eyes as I continue to console her.


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