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Giovanni's POV:

I rip out my IV, determined to get to Anna. Angelo wakes up and tries to stop me from leaving out the door.

"Whoa man, chill. Get back in the bed." I try to push past him again.

"No. I need Anna. I need to talk to her."

"Anna doesn't want to see you right now. Get back in the bed." I shove him into the wall and adjust to the spinning walls as I try to make my way out of the hospital.

"I don't care if she doesn't want to see me. I'm going to talk to her." I start to sprint past people, pushing them out of my way as Angelo chases after me. 

I reach the entrance of the hospital and walk out onto the street, trying to decide which way to go. My shirt is ripped down the side but I don't care. I have to get to Anna.

I see the palace in the distance and I run down the road. My whole body aches and my head is spinning, but I keep running.

Eventually I reach the palace and I realise if I press the buzzer, she won't let me in. I grunt and jump to reach the top of the gate. I pull myself up and over before landing on my back on the other side.

I groan in pain, pulling myself up and limping my way towards the front entrance. I push open the door and it alarms me when I realise it wasn't locked. I nearly gasp when I see Luca walking down the stairs.


"Giovanni why are you here? You should be in the hospital." His voice is stern with a hint of worry. I groan as  shooting pain runs through my head. I shake my head.

"No. I need to speak with Anna."

"I'm afraid that I can't let you do that." I try to walk past him to go up the stairs but he blocks me.

"Let me through Luca. Don't start with me."I try to tower over him, but he is only a couple inches shorter than me.

"You can see her when she wants to see you. But for now, turn around and leave." My anger starts to rise and I know a black out is coming soon.

"Giovanni, don't go there." Luca can sense what is about to happen and I feel my skin itch again.

Do it. 

No, I won't take it. I refuse.

"Giovanni! Go home. Angelo will take care of you." Luca tries to get through to me but it's too late. I turn around and walk away like I'm leaving, but really I just reach into my shirt and pull out another stash that I have. I swallow a couple of pills, waiting a second before they kick in.

I turn back around to Luca and the voice comes back.

Kill him. 


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