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I wake the next morning to the sound of Nicholas rummaging through the bathroom. He runs back into the bedroom and harshly pulls me out of the bedroom, dragging me into the bathroom.

I rub my eyes as he shoves a pregnancy test in my hand.

"Take it." His order startles me and I rush into the bathroom, quickly taking the test and bringing it back out to Nicholas. I place it on the counter in front of him and sit on the toilet.

He walks back and forth anxiously as I simply stare at the wall in front of me.

"It's ready." I stand up behind him as he checks it. He lets out a sob and turns to me, embracing me in a hug.

"We're pregnant!" I don't know how to feel as he hugs me. I would have had his kids if he simply talked to me about it. Granted it would have been in a couple years, but still.

"Are you not happy?" He leans back from me and looks me in the eyes.

"Of course I'm happy. I just don't know how to feel about last night." He looks at me confused.

"What do you mean last night? That was the amazing moment that created a life." I frown at him.

"Amazing moment? You raped me." He chuckles and shakes his head. He steps forward and cups my cheek.

"Honey, I think you had a bit too much to drink last night. I never raped you. Thats a big accusation. Think about what it means before you say it." I stare at him in disbelief. Is he really manipulating me right now?

"What?" I take a step back from him. Is he serious right now?

"Darling, you came onto me. I never wanted to have sex but you started it when you took off your dress and pushed me on to the bed." He chuckles and I take another step back from him.

"I came on to you? I was just getting changed." Tears escape my eyes and he hugs me to his chest.

"Shh baby it's okay. You're just overwhelmed. Be happy. We are going to have a little baby around her in nine months." I sob even harder at the realisation that I can't stop this now. He will always win.

He lets me go get ready and I put on a satin mini dress with black boots.

He lets me go get ready and I put on a satin mini dress with black boots

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I leave the room and see Nicholas setting up for brunch out side. I feel my throat start to tighten and realise I can't be here right now. I run out the front and get my keys for the Ferrari out the garage. I speed it out of the garage and drive down the road.

I have no idea where I'm going but I just keep driving. A thought comes into my mind and I drive up to a mansion hoping that my thoughts are correct. I park the car and knock on the door.

With tears in my eyes, I wait for the door to open. Thankfully, Giovanni opens the door and I breathe a sigh of relief. He looks at me angrily and I feel guilty for showing up at his door.

"What?" Immediately, I break down into tears and he brings me to his chest.

"Mi amore, what's wrong?" He soothes me and then walks me into his house, sitting me down on the lounge. He kneels down in front of me while I'm an uncontrollable mess.

"Bella mia, please. I hate to see you like this. Please talk to me and let me help you." He rubs my back until I stop sobbing and I nod my head. (Translation: my beautiful)

"I'm pregnant."


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