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4 months later.

Nicholas and I are sitting outside having brunch. The slight breeze and sunshine make me happy as we talk.

"Now, we have a ball to attend tonight. I will have Pascal bring around some dresses for you to try on." I nod at his comment but I don't really pay attention.

I have been feeling sick for the past week or two and I can't touch my food at all.

"Are you okay my love? You haven't touched your food at all." Nicholas runs his fingers over my hands in a soothing way.

"Yeah, just feeling a little unwell." He nods back at me and calls over the butler to clean up the table.

"Will you be okay for tonight?" I nod and he stand up and kisses my cheek.

"I love you darling. I will see you later. Juliet is coming by in about five minutes. I suggest you go see her, it might make you feel better." I smile back at him and he leaves me out in the garden.

Maman walks out to me and frowns at me. 

"Antoinette, make sure you look presentable tonight. It's a big night. And maybe work out a bit? You have put on a bit of weight." I smile up at her and nod but roll my eyes as soon as she leaves.

I drag myself back up to my room and find Juliet already lying on my bed. She looks up at me as I fall down onto my bed and groan.

"Whoa, Princess Antoinette does not look happy today. Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?" I crawl up to sit in her lap and she runs her fingers through my hair. (translation: whats wrong)

"Je ne me suis pas senti bien de toute la semaine. And on top of that I have a big event to attend tonight and maman said I gained weight." She sighs at my comment and continues to run her fingers through my hair. (translation: I haven't been feeling well all week)

"Ne t'inquiète pas chérie. Ça ira mieux." We fall into a silence and I nearly let sleep take over me. I have been so tired lately because my schedule is so busy. (translation: dont worry honey. it will get better)

I feel Juliet stop and I groan. I was really enjoying her head massage.

"Anna." She has a worried tone so I look up at her. I wait for her to finish her sentence.

"When was the last time you had your period?" I immediately sit up and think about it. I haven't had a period in about four months.

"No." I shake my head and look up at her. She gasps and runs out of the room. Anxiety takes over me as I wait for her to come back.

She runs back into the room with a box full of pregnancy tests. She grabs my hand and runs me into the bathroom, putting one on the counter.

"Fais-le. Maintenant." I nod and take the pregnancy test over to the private toilet. I shut the door behind me and pee onto the stick. (translation: do it. now)

Once I have finished I walk back out and put the stick next to the sink while I wash my hands. We patiently wait for the stick to finish calculating. Juliet grabs my hand.

"It will be okay. No matter what happens I will be here." I nod and swallow anxiously. Time is up and Juliet walks over to the test to look at it.

She picks it up and I look at her patiently, waiting for her to tell me the answer. She looks at me nervously.

"You're pregnant."


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