chapter 3

655 16 1

IMikey POV


We are still in the headquarters as koko scheduled a quick meeting of the minor inconvenience we are facing.

"Mikey, we have to get new guns. The previous ones aren't gonna hang on for too long" Koko tried and explain on why we are at a shortage of guns and armory.

"Thats because sanzu kept wasting our guns" koko announced, very annoyed. He stood in front of us facing the long wooden table. I sat at the opposite end. The other executives took a seat on the side.

"How dare you accused me of wasting our guns and bullet. I am not the only one using our guns here" sanzu declared his statement, very loud.

"What if we trade sanzu's vitamins for a couple of hand guns. Hows that sound?" Rindou spoke in a passive manner, mocking sanzu. Rindou and ran smirked after sanzu's expression changed. From shocked to more of an annoyed expression.

Stress and fatigue took over me as I heard their conversation. I rubbed the bridge of my nose as I recall the scenario of Bonten hijacking a cargo ship from 2 months ago.

That was a total disaster in my opinion. And I dont want to risk my image by being seen by the media. Or even risk the whole organization to be caught by the tokyo police.

I leaned back on the swivel chair, as I close my eyes. I have been thinking about it- about not having enough sleep for the past years. Even if they left me alone for 24 hours in a room, I still couldn't achieve proper rest.

I slightly open my eyes and stared at the ceiling. The heavy bags under my eyes is proof of poor sleep. At this point I dont care what I should do, I just want to be at peace. I wanna sleep forever and dream of shinichiro and emma- I wanna see them.

As I continue to stare at the ceiling. One of my executives spoke out of nowhere.

"Boss, why dont we hang out at a nice club. There are pretty strong drinks there, maybe we should give it a few shots until we are out cold" the oldest Haitani, Ran spoke as he gave me suggestions. His always very considerate of me even though he displays a very sly attitude towards the others, but except his brother Rindou Haitani.

"Bring me there" I responded, I turned the swivel chair towards his direction. My eyes are pretty heavy but I cant fall asleep. I'll just go with the idea of taking a few shots until I was out cold.
~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

We rode our van as we travel to our destination. I sat at the drivers seat while the other members are in the back.

Kakucho is our driver this evening. Kakucho offered to drive us, since mochi couldn't handle stepping on the accelerator because of his fractured leg from the previous mission.

Mochi is our original driver, as for kakucho his our substitute driver. The others also have their licenses and able to drive cars, except for sanzu. His a scatter-brain and dont know how to drive.

Of course, I didn't allow him to drive ever since he flung one of our vans towards the ocean at the port. At that moment he was high on Dr*gs, He lost control of the wheel and off he went to the sea.

We lost half of the guns we stole from the cargo ship. But even if he wasn't allowed to drive anymore, I think its best if we put him on attack line. He can be ruthless but atleast we can benefit from him.

I leaned back as I stare outside. We drove past shops that are close. Some of the stores opened 24 hours so its very unlikely that they will close at any minute now.

Teenagers and kids roamed on the streets, some are carrying a bat and an old rusty metal pipe. The neutral looks on their faces tells me that they were from a gang.

My eyes went droopy as I remember my teenage years. The mikey I know used to have fun. He can sleep for more than 3 hours. His grandpa and sister usually had a hard time taking care of him. His best friend would willingly carry him around once he fell asleep after eating. And he has friends who makes him their leader.

That mikey I know was always willing to help his friends no matter what. But life gets unfair, Life takes away that mikey and toss him around until I cant see him anymore.

That mikey was long gone, or in simple terms- dead.

My vision became blurry, my sorroundings became audible as I was zoning out in the process. My eyes slowly closes until I didnt realize that I fall asleep.


I was In a dark place. It was so dark that I dont see anything. Not a speck of light.

I roamed around. my arms were reaching in front of me so that I can prevent bumping into things.

Until I saw a light, down lighting on a glass table. On the glass table was a floating one red rose.

It was so red that it hurts my eyes. I walk towards the rose, but as I was looking at it closer and closer. My eyes water. A single tear left the corner of my eye. It was mezmerizing. It was... beautiful.

My heart beats rapidly as I stare at the rose. I feel a rush of adrenaline through my body. I feel alive when I stare at the rose.

My eyes lit up. Every second that I reach for the rose, air slowly leaves my lungs until I become breathless. I struggle to breath as if someone had choke me.

I quickly reached for the rose. I touched its petal. But when my fingers touched it, the red colored petals slowly dried up and turned brown. I then touched its stem, but the thorns pricked my fingers. A drop of blood from my finger was on the table.

In that moment, the rose petals dropped on the glass table one by one. I feel sad and afraid. I backed away from the table to prevent the beautiful rose from dying.

Until, I felt hands on my left shoulder. Traveling towards the right and down to my chest. My heart beats rapidly as chills run down my spine.

And then someone whispered very loudly at my right ear. Saying-

"Let go of me..."

~~~{end of dream}~~~

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