chapter 8

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"Im gonna ask you, y/n... If you go back to your old life, is there anyone who's willing to offer you a drop of water? Even if it's a tiny bit? ... Or you'll have to wait again for the rain to come?" Mikey asked me. This time his expression changed. I see sadness and loneliness.

He avoided my gaze as he looked to his side while saying those words. My heart shattered as I analyze those words coming from his mouth. It pretty much hurts when reality hits me.

"... I-I... I dont know, mikey" I respond to him. A single tear left my eyes.

"... Your so beautiful that I cant take my eyes off of you... I admire your beauty" mikey said in a sad voice. He stared into my eyes as he then slowly took a step closer.

"... Your so bright like the sun, you shine so bright that I slowly go blind when I laid eyes on you..." He added, as he then gently touched both my hands.

"... You caught my attention y/n. And I can never let go of what I felt when I looked at you..." He said.

"I felt alive when your around, and your eyes gave me hope... I feel emotions I never felt for the last 10 years..." Mikey said as I saw tears crawling down his cheeks.

My heart pounded out of my chest, as I felt overwhelmed. He likes me? But why didnt he come and talk to me for three days straight? Why did he locked me in that bedroom? Why?

"Mikey, why are you doing this to me? Why did you ignore me and didnt visit me for the last three days?" I asked him, pain can be heard in my voice.

"You make me feel confused, stupid and loved all at once.." I said. As I wipe the tears in his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me those words in the past three days?! I waited for you... Why?" I cried.

I closed my eyes and kept punching him as I let it all out. My pain, my loneliness, my hardships.

But he accept my punches. And then hugged me tightly.

"Im sorry, I have been afraid to admit that I was weak. That I needed you. Im sorry y/n" he said as he cried silently. I slowly calm down when I felt his embrace. Everything seems to calm down.

"Y/n, please stay with me..." Mikey asked me with pain in his voice as he whispered in my ears.

For the first time, I felt something new..

I embrace something so warm and sad...

In the past, I felt like I was drowning on my own tears. As I have to keep myself together.

But now, someone shared the same feelings as me...

"... I-I will not leave you... Mikey" I spoke. Mikey still embrace me as if his not letting me away from his arms again.

3rd person POV

As mikey and y/n felt each others warm embrace. The other guys watched them from afar.

"Boss seems happy" kokonoi spoke. As a hint of tears in his eyes.

"Mikey's finally realizing to leave me" sanzu cried when he realized that mikey has now add a new priority in his life.

"Shut up, sanzu... You're so dramatic as f*ck" kokonoi slapped sanzu's face.

"Let mikey enjoy his moment" ran spoke and smirked.

Mochi and takeomi just looked at the two. Didn't even speak and decided to keep their opinions to themselves.

Rindou then looked at the others, counting from one to six...

"Six? I expected that were all seven..." Rindou said out loud.

"What are you talking about?" Ran asked as he looked at his brother, confused.

"Yeah, were missing another one..." Sanzu spoke as he side-eye looked at koko, holding his swollen cheeks.

"Wheres kakucho?" Rindou finally realized who's missing.

The guys looked at each other in a shocked and confused look. They have no clue where kakucho was...

Meanwhile, kakucho was still inside the bedroom. He leaned on the door as he sat on the floor.

He stared in the ceiling as he waited for someone to open the door from the outside.


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