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trigger warnings— eating disorders, slight body shaming

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trigger warnings— eating disorders, slight body shaming


IF THERE'S one thing that Sodapop Curtis knew even after dropping out of high school, is that a Soc and a Greaser is a match made in hell.
No matter how strong the bond is, some curse from the Soc's bloodline will wreck the relationship whole.

But Soda only knew that one thing, he didn't know the whole list of things that could occur.

After all, Soda was just a drop out Greaser who had once too many failed loves.

And she was a Soc who was hopeless for someone.


The sound of birds chirping echoed as the sun lightly dimmed the soft room.

The tender smell of cinnamon floated blissfully
throughout the room, which was decorated with shades of white and soft pink. The white laced curtains swinging subtly at the wind gushing gently from the open window.

Grace Vinnette laid on her side, breathing softly as the silky bedsheets and blankets enveloped her. Slowly opening her eyes as she yawned, her hand hovering over her mouth as she sat up.

Stretching her arms as a shaky breath left her lips, slipping on her white cotton slippers.

Grace Vinnette is the perfect Soc, completely cliché and utterly predictable.
From being a cheerleader, to being a usual rich blonde girl.

But no one knows the true secret behind the perfect Soc, a secret so deeply shameful and hidden no one could ever carve to deeply into her heart to retrieve it.

Making her way towards the restroom, her light footsteps echoed through the empty home, yawning once more.

A white rose was placed in the jar which was on her white nightstand, the rose still plump and as bright as a star.

Rinsing off her face, the cold water nipped at her skin as she scrunched her nose at a pimple which unluckily tucked itself right onto her cheek.

"Grace!" Her step-mother hollered from the first floor, possibly from the kitchen as Grace gently dapped the towel on her semi-dry face..


Soda adjusted his DX shirt with a twist at the neck, as his younger brother, Ponyboy, went on about how much he loved this one specific book.

"Pony, you can't just spend all your time reading and watchin' movies!" Soda's older brother, Darry, snapped at Ponyboy who sunk into the worn out couch.
"I know, I know."

"Hey, Darry!" Soda called out for his brother, who immediately turned to him.
"I'll be back a little late, gotta' go take Sandy out to the drive in with Dally and his new girl."

Darry nodded firmly as Ponyboy smirked at Soda who smacked his shoulder with a chuckle.
"Alright, be safe, you hear me?" Darry pointed his finger firmly at Soda who snatched his hat from Pony's grip.
"See ya'!"

Soda felt a chill of thrill zoom across each blood cell in him, his face warm like the sun on a hot July, the thought of just being with Sandy made his stomach flutter in a way he thinks no other girl can do.

His grip on the steering wheel tightened as his jaw clenched, clicking his tongue as he boggled his head, his foot pressing against the pedal.


Grace slowly chewed her potato, the bitter taste lumped into her tongue as her mother and father, Janet and Joel Vinnette ate along.

Her mother's blonde curls bounced as she turned towards Grace, "hungry aren't we? Eat slowly," she sighed as Grace raised an eyebrow, "wouldn't want you to bloat and look like a hippo like last time."

Her mother smiled at what she thought was sweet, Grace shifted in her seat as her tongue became dry, chewing slower.

Grace loved her mother and was thankful for everything she had but, her mother was a constantly hassling her about weight and how much bigger she looks, and how she should be marrying at this age to someone much more older than herself.

But Janet was Grace's mother, and daughters love their mothers, right?

Grace placed her fork down onto the plate, scraping it as she sighed.
"Lola asked if I could go to the drive in with her and Angel—"

"Be back by ten—o'clock sharp, you know how we feel about Angel." Joel sternly demanded Grace who nodded in agreement, her throat dry as she felt her stomach squirm.

Swallowing the potato forcefully, she felt an immense amount of guilt, 'no bloating, no hippo look alikes.'


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