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GRACE TRACED her lips with her lipgloss, as her friend, Lola Quentin, besides her ranted on about some cute boy in the DX.
"Uh huh," she hummed as Lola's black hair bounced over the speed bump, chocolate skin glistening from the coconut lotion Grace gave her.

The squeaky sound only ached at Grace's ears, the car suddenly slammed on a harsh break. Sending Grace's lipgloss across her fear with a long smear of pink.
"Sorry," Lola giggled as she flattened out her cheer skirt.

"We're here, if we're lucky enough," she slammed the car door as the two made their way to the DX.
"He'll be here!"

'Why does everyone love him so much? Just 'cuz of his looks?'

Grace rolled her eyes, the two found their way near the counter, the sharp smell of gases and oils only made Grace gag.

"Welcome, ladies, need anythin'?" A boy stood behind the counter, crooked teeth plummeted between each other, a smear of oil on his arm.

Lola grinned and placed her arms over the counter, leaning in, "my cars makin' some weird noises. I'm afraid it's broken." She sighed, glancing at Grace with a brief smirk before turning back to the boy.

"Alright, let me go get my 'pal and we'll check it out."

Lola waited until the boy left the area, squealing as she gripped Grace's sleeve, wrinkling her cheer uniform.
"Ahhhh! We might see him!"

Grace playfully rolled her eyes, "big deal," she sarcastically smiled as Lola groaned.

"Right in here," the boy whispered towards another figure, Grace had her eyes plastered onto the counter, refusing to look up.

Grace didn't want to look at the boy that was gawked at so much. She was with Angel, she only had eyes for Angel, only him. She falls in love too easily, and she's only in love with Angel. Only Angel.

"Soda, get the oil behind the counter won't ya'!" The boy hollered towards the other, Lola's grip on Grace's sleeve only tightened as she lightly squealed.
Her eyes glued to the counter, tapping her finger as her white nails clicked.

"Hold this won't ya'?" The voice talked towards Grace, who looked up.

Their eyes immediately locked onto each other's, soft gasps as Soda's eyes widened. Grace hastily looked away, taking the bottle of oil from his hands as he dove beneath the counter, clearing his throat.

"Uhm," Soda stood up as Grace held out the bottle of oil towards him, her handy shakily eager to let go.
"Thanks..." he whispered, his fingers lightly grazed her fingers as he took the bottle, the cold touch ached at her stomach.

"Catch!" Soda exclaimed towards the boy who turned around, catching the bottle of oil with a chuckle.
Lola followed behind the two as Grace did as well, her expression weary.

Grace wasn't afraid of whoever the boy was. She was afraid that he would tell the others that she spoke with him, Socs and Greasers can't speak, nevertheless even gift each other money. It'd ruin her reputation and worth.


Steve propped himself underneath Lola's car, muttering to himself as Lola sat down besides him, grinning to herself.

Grace awkwardly stood with her hands behind her back, tilting her head, refusing to meet Soda's eyes.

His eyes yearned for hers, placing a small rag over his shoulder as he made his way towards her. She tensed as Soda stood besides her, leaning over towards her ear.
"You got lipstick across your cheek."

He walked towards Steve, Grace placed her finger on her cheek, sure enough she felt the gloss. Turning towards the window which faintly showed her reflection.

Rubbing the gloss away, the pink only blended and smeared more.
Soda turned around, letting out a chuckle as Grace scoffed, furrowing her brows.

"It's fine, don't care." She clenched her jaw as she turned around, Soda nodded towards her figure.

Grace nodded firmly, clicking her tongue. "Soc?" He questioned her, Lola immediately looked up with an alarmed look.

"Yes," Soda's face dropped as Grace glanced at the several cars in the area. "Greaser?" She eyed Soda who tilted his head with a sigh.

"Soda, quit flirtin' and get me the oil!" Steve snapped as Soda handed Steve the oil, Lola scrunched her nose.
"I have a boyfriend," Grace awkwardly chuckled as Soda slightly frowned, looking at Lola who smirked with a nod.

"Ya', I'm sure you got yourself a nice boyfriend." Soda placed a hand onto the hood of the car, scratching the back of his neck. Grace nodded, sniffling.

Did Grace have a nice boyfriend? Others would say she was lucky since he would buy her anything he wanted, but you can't buy love. Others would say she was wasting her time, saying he was screwing around with other girls while being with her. Nice boyfriend...?


After several painful minutes of Steve under the car, he slid out underneath with a groan as Lola clapped her hands.
"Good as new, ladies!"

"Thanks," she handed Soda and Steve dollar bills, grinning a little too much at Steve as he flashed her a smile.

"Thank you," Grace replied to Steve and Soda, Soda's eyes firm on Grace who held herself.
"Uh huh!" Steve saluted Lola who felt her legs grow weak, walking into the DX.

Lola entered into the driver's seat, her heart fluttering openly as her eyes began to flicker.

"I didn't catch your name," Soda followed Grace who held the door handle, turning to Soda.
"Maybe it's best you don't know..."

Soda furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head, "well...I'm Sod—"

"Thank you," Grace whispered softly before entering the car, slamming it shut as she left Soda with nothing.


Soda's eyes softened as the yellow car drove off into the evening of Tulsa, birds chirping as the wind gently blew.

Soda knew her name, Soda knew her now. But she didn't know Soda. And maybe she won't ever?


❝ 𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ❞ || 𝑺𝑶𝑫𝑨𝑷𝑶𝑷 𝑪𝑼𝑹𝑻𝑰𝑺Where stories live. Discover now