𝟐𝟎- 𝘏𝘦'𝘴 𝘐𝘯 𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳

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Stripping off of his clothes the person Jimin met underneath them was so foreign that it almost made him jump in his skin, the tall mirror in front of him was telling him the story of treachery, from the tip of his toe to the ends of his hair was covered in the mark of Taehyung, screaming in his face who he really belongs to and how what his heart feels doesn't matter anymore, who he calls his lover from the heart doesn't matter, the long days and nights he spends with Hyunjin could never come near to the few moments he spent with Taehyung colliding into him until there was no hint of who is whom

He runs his hand through the curve of his hips which held the prints of the other's large hand, they were curvier than before his whole body had changed into a more glorious one like Taehyung's alchemy turned him into a more divine being, he blinks lowly understanding this is what they said the Omega turns more alluring for their Alpha after mating and why this is the most special time for them but the only thing he could feel was remorse and sorrow like he had committed the forbidden sin and even if he sacrifice his life it won't be forgiven

he gulped down the tears that were threatening to fall out, glaring at himself in the mirror wanting nothing but to kill himself for doing such heinous acts but he knew the cruelest punishment for his sin would be living a life with a weight of guilt on his heart, living in this golden cage with the same person who defeats his love and all his morality would be the best retribution, he gritted his teeth tightening his jaw trying to not break out but the flashes of the apocalypse he went through reflected in the mirror as he found himself fading behind them, the only thing visible was the face of the man he loathes staring at him with nothing but stars in his eyes gleaming so bright that it makes him dazzled but soon the reflection spun on the glass turning into a picture Jimin's mind had long forgotten but his heart still remembers

His lover was on full display in all his glory and crashed his heart into million shatters, and the tears come with a wail of cry as Jimin dropped to the ground with a loud whimper escaping through his aching chest, his small hands slapping his heart to make it stop hurting but nothing seems to work, he was hit by the cruelest reality he ever encountered and this time he couldn't find anyone but himself to blame, as all the cruel words were coming in his head piercing his broken soul

if he would be strong he would've survived this great war, if his love would be strong enough he would never let anyone come near him but he did not only let another mark him as his territory but begged him to take him like a pathetic animal and it was guilt that was melting his insides making them flow out of his eyes like an untamed river and every drop of the river was holding an emotion that burst out of the Omega Prince, he didn't realize the time which seems to be frozen for was still running for the world and the voice calling out his name drag him into reality pulling his head out of the dark clouds of sorrow

"My majesty are you fine? Do you need any help?"

He sniffles while whipping his tears, trying his best to become a dam to prevent the river water from flowing out of his burning eyes and it took him some time to finally put an end to his cries as he cleared his throat before speaking "no, I'm f-ine" he tries his best but the crack in his voice gives the other hint of what is taking the Queen so long in the bath, Jungkook bites his lower lip feeling bad for the young Omega who was facing the evil reality of this world which he had faced long ago when he was forced to be an entertainer of the King like he wasn't a living human but a thing for pleasure

"Take your time my Queen I'm here if you need anything"

after some hours Jimin finally comes out of the washing room wrapped in the mohagni silk robe and the aching of Jungkook's knees from standing the whole time tells him he spend an eternity in the bath but there wasn't a frown on his face as he welcomes the Omega with the sweetest smile showing his front bunny teeth and Jimin won't lie there was something so soothing in that smile that he felt comfort just by looking at it, "I asked them to bring your food here so you won't be bothered going downstairs, my majesty" Jungkook says following the Alasgarian Prince with the same bright smile

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