Chapter 6

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Calum's POV.

I'm running as fast as I could back to Nicole's house. I was nervous as hell. What if she does it again? I remember in our sophomore years, it went around the campus that she was delivered to the hospital due to not having enough blood left in her body. And now, I'm afraid it might happen again.

I ran upstairs as fast as I could. Ignoring the man behind the desk.

When I reached her door, I knocked as loud as I can. But she didn't answer. I knocked again, a little bit louder, still no reply. I was literally pounding the door with my fists.

Okay, Now I'm definitely worried.

I ran downstairs and to the receptionist.

"Hey. The room 402 won't open and I think something happened inside. Do you happen to have a spare key?" I quickly said all in one breath. He duck down and retrieved the key.

"Follow me." He nonchalantly said. I followed him up Nicole's door. Once he opened the door, I ran inside and searched all the rooms for her. She's in the bathroom. Lying unconsiously. I ran to her and hugged her body.

She did it again.

I saw the man peek to the bathroom then his eyes widened. I screamed, "Call 911, an ambulance or something. Come on!" I don't know why I'm crying. I just feel like she's so important to me and to the world. I don't why she can't see that.

I know the man obliged when I hear sirens. I carried her fragile body out of her apartment and see meds coming. One of the woman smiled at me with sympathy. She, Then took Nicole away from me and layed her down to some portable stretcher things. I followed them down.

"Are you her companion?" I.jumped a little when a man behind me asked. A clip board and a pen in his hands. I just nodded. Not really knowing what to do.

"Name of the patient and your name?"

"Nicole Wilson and Calum Hood." I smiled awkwardly. Scratching the back of my head waiting for him to finish writing shits.

"You could ride the ambulance with her." He nodded and walks away, yelling to every staff to pack up. I went to the ambulance and the same woman smiled at me and instructed me to seat beside her.
She's now laying down. Still unconcious. Her wrists, wrapped up to near her elbows. Slightly brimmed with a little blood.

A man walk inside her room. I looked at him, confused. He's dressed raggedly. He looks like he hasn't eaten for days. And he reaks with the smell of alcohol. But I can tell that he's sober.

"Uhm. Who are you?" I stood up and walked to him. The world may never know, maybe he's crazy or something.

"I'm Nicole's father." He looks down. My eyes widen.

I can't really deny that he is, what he claim that he is. Nicole got all of his father's features. Except his dad got gray eyes. I stepped away from Nicole's bed and let him near the bed.

"Do anything stupid and I'll kill you." I try to speak lowly. Trying to threaten him. I hoped it worked. He nodded.

"This is all my fault." He cries. Running his finger through his hair. I frowned.

"What do you mean your fault?" I asked seriously.

"It's a long story."

"I don't care. Tell me or you're out."

He sighed. Taking a seat. I stand a few feets away from him. "Talk." I command.

"She hates me." He cried. His elbows on his knees, his face in his hands. He just told me the whole story about how their car crashed and that Nica's mother died because of it. I am astounded.

"You killed her?" I concluded since he is the one driving right?

"No. It's not like that. There is a reason why I'm so mad at her that night." He explained. I looked at the damaged angel. May as well, listen to him. For her. I nodded, signalling him to start talking.

"I found out that Nora is pregnant and this time, I'm not its father. She has been cheating on me. She said it's been going on for half a year and it just got me all hurt and I went furious. Thinking that we have a daughter somewhere in the world. Not knowing if she's being succeful or not while she's there, having good time with someone that is not me." He looks down and sigh.

"Oh." I scratched the back of my neck. Maybe he should be forgiven? By Nica...

"But its's not necessary to kill her, sir." I calmly added after a few seconds of silence.

"God, I didn't kill her, for fuck's sake!" He threw his arms in distress.

"I didn't fucking know that there was a vehicle before us! I hate the baby, yes. But I love Nora with all my heart and I love Nicole as well. She is just like her mother, but in a good way." He went from frustrated to nostalgic. I look at him as he stare into Nica's face.

"She was a happy little girl but now I think I ruined her. Her own parents ruined her." He sighed and chuckled. I look at Nicole's face too, imaging the little girl playing with the autumn leaves drawn to the floor as the seasons change. I wish I was a part of that but I'm contented that I am now. Though this Nica isn't as happy as she is before at least I can try and make her be happy.

"I'm sorry for not understanding. I think you deserve forgiveness from her and you should also forgive your wife." I smiled.

"Thank you, son." He patted my back.

"I should be going." He walks to the door.

"Promise me one thing, kiddo, You'll take care of her." He smiled.

"I promise, sir." I nodded.

And I will fullfil my promise. I'd do anything just to make sure this angel right here will be okay. I'd risk everything for her. I wouldn't let her fall down by herself. I'd catch her as fast as I could.


I had the the feels while writing the last paragraph. Ooooh. NiCalum otp yaaas.

-juls xx

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